Streamlining the payroll of 82,295 civil servants and public employees


According to Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Truong Hai Long, from 2016 to 2023, 82,295 people were reduced in staff.

On September 16, Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh had a working session with the Ministry of Home Affairs.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Truong Hai Long said that in recent times, the Ministry of Home Affairs has proactively and actively advised the Government to implement salary policy reform in a reasonable, step-by-step, cautious, certain, feasible and effective manner, which has received high consensus and agreement from cadres, civil servants, public employees, armed forces and society.

In the field of organizational structure and staffing, the Ministry of Home Affairs has focused on advising on building the structure of the 15th Government to submit to the National Assembly for approval in the direction of continuing to innovate the organization and operation of the Government and local governments to be streamlined, effective and efficient.

Tinh gian bien che la noi dung nhan duoc nhieu su quan tam cua doi ngu can bo, cong chuc, vien chuc trong thoi gian qua. Anh: Luong Hanh
Streamlining the payroll is a topic that has received much attention from cadres, civil servants and public employees in recent times. Photo: Luong Hanh

The results of the 2021-2023 period have reduced 17 general departments and organizations equivalent to general departments (expected to continue to reduce 1 general department and 5 departments/departments under general departments), reduced 10 departments under general departments and ministries, reduced 145 departments/divisions under general departments and ministries; reduced 13 departments and equivalents, reduced 2,159 departments and equivalents under provincial and district People's Committees; reduced 7,469 public service units, reaching 13.5% compared to 2016, exceeding the target assigned by the Central Government.

The Ministry of Home Affairs advises the implementation of staff management and staff streamlining in accordance with the direction of the Politburo and the Government. From 2016 to 2023, 82,295 staff have been streamlined (of which 7,435 are civil servants and 74,860 are public employees).

Bo truong Bo Noi vu Pham Thi Thanh Tra phat bieu tai buoi lam viec ngay 16.9. Anh:
Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra speaks at the working session on September 16. Photo: Luong Hanh

The streamlining of staff has exceeded the target assigned by the Politburo, with civil servants reduced by 10.01% and officials receiving salaries from the state budget reduced by 11.67%, and the number of non-professional workers, villages, and residential groups reduced by 46.64% compared to 2015.

According to Deputy Minister Truong Hai Long, the Ministry of Home Affairs thoroughly decentralizes recruitment work; supplements regulations on rank promotion for leading and managing civil servants and changes the method from examination to promotion of civil servants; decentralizes the organization of examinations, rank promotion and promotion to ministries, branches and localities.

At the same time, the Ministry of Home Affairs proactively reviewed and cut down procedures for foreign language certificates, computer science certificates and other unnecessary training certificates in recruitment, promotion and rank upgrading of civil servants and public employees, saving time and social costs, which was highly appreciated by public opinion.

Also at the meeting, Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra emphasized a number of key tasks of the Ministry and the sector in the coming time such as: Building and perfecting institutions, being determined to take the lead in administrative reform, reorganizing the apparatus, reorganizing administrative organizations of provincial-level professional agencies, focusing on basically completing the arrangement and resolving issues arising in the arrangement of administrative units at district and commune levels.


Bộ Nội vụ nói về tinh giản biên chế cán bộ xã bị tai biến


Nếu cán bộ thuộc trường hợp tinh giản biên chế thì Bộ Nội vụ đề nghị cấp có thẩm quyền xem xét, giải quyết thực hiện chính sách này theo quy định.

Trường hợp nữ công chức xã chưa thực hiện tinh giản biên chế

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

Các trường hợp nữ công chức cấp xã chưa thực hiện tinh giản biên chế được căn cứ theo quy định tại Điều 4 Nghị định 29/2023/NĐ-CP.

Bộ Nội vụ lưu ý về tinh giản biên chế cán bộ, công chức xã

Thục Quyên |

Trong quá trình thực hiện tinh giản biên chế, Bộ Nội vụ đề nghị lưu ý với các trường hợp, trong đó có đối với cán bộ, công chức cấp xã.

Vinafco lãi 2,8 tỉ, chưa bồi thường vụ rơi pin xuống biển

Lục Giang |

Vinafco đang phối hợp cùng các chủ hàng, công ty bảo hiểm và các cơ quan chức năng giải quyết sự cố vụ 37 container rơi xuống biển, trong đó có hơn 10 tấn pin.

Giới đầu cơ có thể đứng sau loạt lô đất đấu giá bỏ cọc


Giới chuyên gia cho rằng, người tham gia đấu giá đất chủ yếu là nhóm nhà đầu tư chuyên nghiệp, rất ít người địa phương tham gia.

Bắt 2 đối tượng mua bán trái phép hơn 2,5 tấn xyanua ở TPHCM

Minh Tâm |

TPHCM - Ngày 18.9, Công an quận Bình Thạnh đã bắt giữ 2 đối tượng mua bán trái phép chất độc xyanua với khối lượng lớn ra thị trường.

Đường đi của áp thấp nhiệt đới sắp mạnh lên thành bão số 4


Chiều nay 18.9, cơ quan khí tượng của Việt Nam cho biết áp thấp nhiệt đới đang ở trên khu vực quần đảo Hoàng Sa; sắp mạnh lên thành bão.

Người dân Huế di chuyển ôtô lên chỗ cao đề phòng ngập do mưa to


HUẾ - Trong trưa và chiều 18.9, mưa to đã khiến một số đoạn đường tại TP Huế bị ngập, nhiều người dân di chuyển ôtô lên chỗ cao đề phòng thiệt hại.

Ministry of Home Affairs talks about streamlining the staff of commune cadres who have suffered from stroke


If the staff is subject to staff reduction , the Ministry of Home Affairs shall request competent authorities to consider and implement this policy according to regulations.

Case of female civil servant of the commune who has not implemented the civil servant downsizing policy

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

The cases of female civil servants at the district level who have not yet implemented civil service streamlining are based on the provisions stipulated in Article 4 of Decree No. 29/2023/ND-CP.

The Ministry of Home Affairs notes streamlining the payroll of commune officials and civil servants

Thục Quyên |

In the process of streamlining staff , the Ministry of Home Affairs recommends paying attention to cases, including commune-level officials and civil servants.