Reflecting through the Ministry of Home Affairs, Lai Chau province has just proposed that the Government and the Prime Minister soon issue regulations on policies to attract and employ talented people in state administrative agencies and public service units.
Responding to this content, the Ministry of Home Affairs said that the Government has issued Decree No. 140/2017/ND-CP dated December 5, 2017 on policies to attract and create sources of cadres from excellent university graduates and young scientists, ensuring the principles of closely following the policies stipulated in Conclusion No. 86-KL/TW dated January 24, 2014 of the Politburo, not contrary to the provisions of law and under the authority of the Government.
Implementing Decree No. 140/2017/ND-CP, many central and local agencies have paid attention and issued regulations and plans to recruit excellent graduates and young scientists.
The summary of implementation results shows that the policies stipulated in Decree No. 140/2017/ND-CP have been effective and have been implemented by agencies and organizations with interest. The number of agencies and localities issuing Recruitment Plans according to the provisions of Decree No. 140/2017/ND-CP has increased in 2022, 2023 and 2024.
Many excellent graduates and young scientists have researched, registered for and been recruited; excellent graduates and young scientists after being recruited are all energetic, enthusiastic, and devoted to their work; always comply with all assignments and instructions from the unit leader, and are evaluated as excellent and complete their tasks well.
Some cases are highly appreciated for their professional qualifications, expertise, ability to apply knowledge in their assigned fields, have development prospects; have good capacity, thinking, deep expertise; have the ability to work well in groups, work well independently; have a spirit of learning, strive to excellently complete all assigned tasks.
However, in addition to the achieved results, during the implementation process, Decree No. 140/2017/ND-CP also revealed certain limitations in recruitment work such as: Determining excellent training results of excellent graduates abroad, regulations on awards in Olympic competitions);
There is a difference in the number of people attracted between urban, rural and mountainous areas; attraction policies are not enough to retain talented people.
From the above shortcomings, recently the Ministry of Home Affairs has coordinated with the Ministry of Education and Training, relevant ministries and branches to promptly issue guiding documents and respond to localities to effectively implement attraction policies, contributing to improving the quality of cadres, civil servants and public employees.
Pursuant to the National Strategy on attracting and employing talents to 2030 with a vision to 2050 issued by the Prime Minister together with Decision No. 899/QD-TTg, the Ministry of Home Affairs continues to coordinate with agencies to review and report to competent authorities on the completion of institutions and policies on recruitment, use and management of civil servants and public employees;
Complete and submit to the Government for promulgation a Decree on attracting and promoting talents to work in state agencies and public service units in accordance with reality.
Previously, based on the recommendations of local voters and ministries, branches and localities, the Ministry of Home Affairs said it would continue to coordinate with relevant agencies to evaluate and review reports to the Government and the Prime Minister to consider amending and supplementing Decree No. 140/2017/ND-CP to suit reality.