The Ministry of Public Security issued Instruction 11/HD-BCA-V03 dated February 27, 2025 to arrange investigators and investigation officers at the commune-level police force, effective from March 1, 2025.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Public Security said that it will appoint the title (or assignment) of Investigator under the Investigation Police Agency of the Provincial or centrally-run City Police (Provincial Police) to the Chief of Commune-level Police.
In case the Commune-level Police Chief does not meet the standards for appointing Investigators, the title of Investigator (or arrangement) shall be appointed to the Deputy Chief of Commune-level Police in charge of crime prevention and control. In the process of appointing the title (or arrangement) of Investigator under the Provincial Police Investigation Agency for the Commune Police Chief and Deputy Chief of Commune Police in charge of crime prevention and control.
In addition to the Commune-level Police Chief, the Deputy Chief of the Commune-level Police can appoint (or arrange) the title of Investigator under the Provincial Police Investigation Agency for officers under the Crime Prevention and Control Police Team or officers directly performing the task of checking, verifying preliminary denunciations, reports on crimes and crime prevention and control at the Commune-level Police.
According to the instructions of the Ministry of Public Security, the appointment of the position of Investigator assigned to the Commune-level Police must select qualified and capable officers. The appointment must be substantial, avoid spreading and chasing targets without focusing on training and fostering a team of investigators with sufficient qualifications and capacity to meet the requirements of the investigation. Do not appoint Investigators to officials who are not capable of investigating.
Investigators are deployed at the commune-level police station managed by the Office of the Provincial Police Investigation Agency.
The Ministry of Public Security also assigned the Director of the Provincial Public Security to base on the actual situation to appoint the number of Investigators deployed at the Commune-level Public Security accordingly.
Investigators and Investigation Officers of the Provincial Police Investigation Agency deployed at the Commune Police are part-time and part-time officers of the Commune Police.
Notably, according to the Ministry of Public Security, to ensure the regime and policies when appointing (or arranging) Investigators and Investigation Officers at the commune-level Police, they will still hold other titles, ranks and ranks according to the regulations of the Ministry of Public Security such as: Investigator, Police officer... and enjoy the regime and policies for the highest title, rank and rank.