Disbursement of public investment capital in the first three quarters is below 50%, pressure in the fourth quarter is very high

Tuyết Lan |

By the end of the third quarter of 2024, the disbursement of public investment capital had only reached 47.29% of the plan assigned by the Prime Minister. In order to complete the task of disbursing public investment capital, it is necessary to resolutely and quickly implement and accelerate the progress of projects and have solutions to remove obstacles in institutions, policies, administrative procedures, etc.

Promote the disbursement of public investment capital

According to information from the Ministry of Finance, by September 30, 2024, the estimated disbursement of public investment capital had only reached VND 320,566 billion, equal to 47.29% of the plan assigned by the Prime Minister, lower than the same period in 2023.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment assessed that this disbursement rate did not meet expectations. Of which, Ho Chi Minh City was assigned more than VND79,263 billion, but the disbursement rate only reached 21.29% of the plan. Meanwhile, Hanoi was assigned more than VND81,033 billion, but the disbursement rate only reached 38.88% of the plan.

It is worth mentioning that there are still 31 ministries, agencies and 23 localities with disbursement rates lower than the national average. Some localities are assigned large plans, but the low disbursement rate leads to a decrease in the overall disbursement rate of the whole country. The main reason for this situation is that policies are still entangled, slow to amend, the allocation of public investment capital plans in the years is delayed, and the allocation is many times. Many projects are stuck due to site clearance and lack of construction materials. Meanwhile, in localities, the mentality of cadres being hesitant and not daring to do it also hinders the disbursement progress.

Speaking to reporters of Lao Dong Newspaper, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Thuong Lang said that public investment disbursement plays an important role in the goal of promoting the country's economic growth. However, up to now, the disbursement rate has only reached over 47%, which is a relatively slow rate. According to schedule, by the end of the third quarter of 2024, public investment disbursement must reach between 60-80%.

“To get as close to the target as possible, in the fourth quarter of 2024, it is necessary to resolutely and quickly deploy and resolve issues related to institutions, policies and regulations related to land procedures, administrative procedures, and site clearance. In particular, localities also need to have a mechanism for general coordination and removal; removing bottlenecks in combined capital sources, ODA…” Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Thuong Lang commented.

Promote decentralization and reduce procedures

In order to remove obstacles, recently the Ministry of Planning and Investment has proactively drafted the Law on Public Investment (amended), including 29 new policies, and sent it to ministries, central and local agencies for comments.

At the 38th session, assessing the content of the amendment to the Law on Public Investment, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung said - The Law on Public Investment (amended) has fully and comprehensively specified 5 major policy groups, deeply demonstrating the spirit of breakthrough, reform, decentralization and delegation of power. Strengthening institutional improvement and inspection and supervision; ensuring clear people, clear work, clear responsibilities, clear results. Especially cutting down and simplifying administrative procedures, not allowing responsibility to be passed on, avoiding creating a "request-grant" mechanism...

The Law Project has received high appreciation from ministries, branches, localities, international organizations, and foreign donors, especially for fundamentally removing existing problems, limitations, obstacles, and bottlenecks arising in the implementation of the 2019 Law on Public Investment; regulations on decentralization, delegation of authority, ensuring clear identification of people, work, and responsibilities for easy inspection, supervision, etc.

The disbursement rate of public investment capital in the first 9 months did not meet expectations, causing great pressure on disbursement in the last months of the year for ministries, branches and localities. In response to this urgent need, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has just issued Official Dispatch No. 104/CD-TTg dated October 8, 2024, urging to promote disbursement of public investment capital in the last months of 2024. The head of the Government requested that all levels and branches resolutely direct and remove difficulties and obstacles to strive to disburse public investment capital in 2024 to reach over 95% of the assigned plan.

Tuyết Lan

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Amending the Law on Public Investment, not allowing responsibility to be passed on


The Government proposed to amend the Law on Public Investment to strongly decentralize and delegate power and not to shirk responsibility, avoiding creating a "request - give" mechanism.

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Ho Chi Minh City faces major challenges in public investment disbursement


In the last months of the year, Ho Chi Minh City faced a major challenge in disbursing public investment when many key projects were behind schedule, causing the disbursement rate to only reach 20%.

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Proposal to include expressway project in medium-term public investment plan


Quang Tri - In order for the Cam Lo - Lao Bao expressway to be implemented according to plan, Quang Tri proposed to include the project in the medium-term public investment plan for the period 2026-2030.

Binh Duong speeds up disbursement of public investment capital

Đình Trọng |

Despite being proactive from the beginning of the year, the disbursement of public investment capital in Binh Duong has not yet reached the set target. Binh Duong provincial leaders are requesting to speed up the disbursement of public investment capital.

The secret for mountainous districts to disburse nearly 80% of public investment capital

Đặng Tình |

Hoa Binh - Construction projects in Kim Boi district are being accelerated to ensure the disbursement plan for public investment capital.

Amending the Law on Public Investment, not allowing responsibility to be passed on


The Government proposed to amend the Law on Public Investment to strongly decentralize and delegate power and not to shirk responsibility, avoiding creating a "request - give" mechanism.

Can Tho will replace weak officials in public investment management

Phong Linh |

Can Tho - In the solution to promote disbursement of public investment capital in the last months of the year, Can Tho will strengthen discipline and replace officials with weak capacity.

Ho Chi Minh City faces major challenges in public investment disbursement


In the last months of the year, Ho Chi Minh City faced a major challenge in disbursing public investment when many key projects were behind schedule, causing the disbursement rate to only reach 20%.

Phân bổ, sử dụng vốn đầu tư công hiệu quả, đúng mục tiêu

Trí Minh |

Xây dựng nguyên tắc, tiêu chí và định mức phân bổ vốn đầu tư công nguồn ngân sách nhà nước giai đoạn 2026 - 2030 là cần thiết.