On December 23, Hau Giang province held a meeting of the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee to approve the draft Project to arrange and merge the organizational apparatus of units.
The number of specialized agencies under the Provincial People's Committee is 14. The number of specialized agencies under the People's Committees of 8 districts, towns and cities is reduced by 16; each district, town and city reduces 2 agencies.
Mr. Dong Van Thanh - Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Committee of Hau Giang province said that the province has resolutely reorganized and merged the organizational apparatus of units under the Provincial People's Committee, striving to reduce 15% of the structure and organization. In the reorganization and merger, the principle of reviewing and arranging similarities, maintaining the functions and tasks according to regulations is followed.
Regarding policies in arrangement and merger, the province follows the Central policies, proactively consults policies from localities as well as updates Central documents to effectively carry out arrangement and merger.