Overcoming difficulties and shortcomings of the Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army


On September 23 at the National Assembly House, under the chairmanship of Politburo member and National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man, the National Assembly Standing Committee (NASC) gave opinions on the draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army (Officer Law).

At the meeting, authorized by the Government, the representative of the Ministry of National Defence reported on Document 422/TTr-CP on the Draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Officers.

The Government's submission stated that since the 1999 Officer Law was amended and supplemented with a number of articles in 2008 and 2014 and came into effect, many legal documents have been issued such as the Law on Professional Soldiers, Workers and Defense Officials, the Labor Code, the Housing Law, the Social Insurance Law, etc., so it is necessary to amend and supplement the Officer Law to ensure consistency with the current legal system, in accordance with the nature and tasks of the Army "as a special labor sector".

The amendment and supplement of a number of articles of the Officer Law aims to continue institutionalizing the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's laws on building the officer team. Reviewing the draft law, Chairman of the National Assembly's Defense and Security Committee Le Tan Toi said that the Defense and Security Committee agreed on the necessity of promulgating the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Officer Law.

The Committee for National Defense and Security believes that the promulgation of the Law aims to fully institutionalize the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's policies on building a strong contingent of officers of the Vietnam People's Army, meeting the requirements of basically building a lean, compact, and strong Vietnam People's Army by 2025; creating a solid foundation to strive for building a revolutionary, disciplined, elite, and modern Vietnam People's Army by 2030.

The amendment and supplement of the Law is to ensure consistency in the legal system, promptly overcome difficulties and inadequacies of the Officer Law on basic positions and equivalent positions and titles of officers, the highest age limit for officers to serve in the army, the highest military rank for positions and titles of officers is general and some contents related to the regime and policies for officers.

The National Assembly's Committee on National Defense and Security assessed that the draft Law dossier ensures the requirements stipulated in the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents and is eligible to be submitted to the National Assembly for discussion and comments.

At the meeting, members of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly gave their opinions to continue perfecting the draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Officers before submitting it to the National Assembly for consideration and comments at the upcoming 8th Session.


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