As reported by Lao Dong, on the afternoon of January 8, the Government Inspectorate announced its decision to inspect the investment project to build the second facility of Bach Mai Hospital and Viet Duc Friendship Hospital in Ha Nam province.
At the announcement of the inspection decision, Deputy Inspector General of the Government Nguyen Van Cuong emphasized that this is an inspection of special importance, receiving great attention from Party and State leaders and public opinion.
These are two projects approved by the Prime Minister in 2014 with the goal of building these two hospitals into central-level hospitals that meet standards.
According to the investment decision approved by the Ministry of Health in 2014, each project has an investment scale of 1,000 hospital beds. The total investment for each project is about 4,990 billion VND.
In fact, according to Lao Dong's research, the delay in putting two trillion-dollar hospital projects, Bach Mai Hospital and Viet Duc Hospital, Facility 2, into use was detailed in a National Assembly Supervision Report as early as October 2022.
In Report No. 330 on the implementation of policies and laws on practicing thrift and combating waste in the 2016-2021 period, the National Assembly's Supervisory Delegation pointed out that through basic supervision and assessment, investment projects in hospitals and medical facilities are all behind schedule.
Notably, some key central hospitals (Bach Mai Hospital and Viet Duc Hospital, Branch 2 in Phu Ly City, Ha Nam) and provincial hospitals were completed many years ago but have not been put into operation, and are seriously degraded.
Some investment projects are unfinished, with unbalanced capital sources to complete, lasting for many years, causing waste of resources.
Pursuant to Report No. 330, by November 2022, the National Assembly will issue Resolution 74 on promoting the implementation of policies and laws on practicing thrift and combating waste.
In this resolution, the National Assembly assigned the Government and the Prime Minister to direct ministries, branches, localities, organizations and relevant agencies to carefully study the solutions, proposals and recommendations of the Supervisory Delegation to strictly implement key tasks.
In particular, clarify the responsibilities of organizations and individuals, especially the accountability of leaders for violations, losses, and waste in projects using state capital with losses and waste; land areas used for the wrong purpose, abandoned, and violating the law; 79,670 hectares of land of agricultural and forestry companies with decisions to reclaim but no land use plan; 305,043 hectares of land of agricultural and forestry companies without decisions to reclaim and no land use plan and other shortcomings and limitations stated in Report No. 330/BC-DGS of the Monitoring Team;
Classify to develop plans and roadmaps, clarify responsibilities, handle violations, negativity, shortcomings, limitations, losses, and waste for organizations, units, and individuals related to 51 projects and project clusters using public investment capital and other state capital ineffectively or wastefully.
In the list of 51 projects and project clusters using public investment capital and other state capital ineffectively or wastefully, Bach Mai Hospital, Facility 2 and Viet Duc Hospital, Facility 2 (under the Ministry of Health) ranked 49th and 50th, respectively.
Also in Resolution 74, the National Assembly assigned the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuracy, the State Audit, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Justice to speed up the investigation, prosecution, and trial of cases and the execution of judgments to promptly recover lost and wasted state assets.