The Lao Dong Newspaper Legal Consulting Office replied:
Article 27 of the 2024 Trade Union Law (effective from July 1, 2025) stipulates the need to ensure conditions for trade union activities as follows:
1. Agencies, organizations, units, and enterprises are responsible for arranging workplaces, working means, and necessary conditions for trade unions at the same level to operate.
2. Part-time union officials are allowed to work 24 hours a month for grassroots union chairmen and vice chairmen; 12 hours a month for executive committee members, team leaders, and deputy team leaders to work in union work and are paid by employers. Depending on the scale, type, and nature of the agency, organization, unit, or enterprise, the grassroots union executive committee and the employer will agree on the additional time.
3. Part-time union officials are entitled to take a day off from work and receive salary paid by their employers during the days of attending congresses, meetings, conferences, seminars, training and coaching held by the superior union and not included in the time specified in Clause 2 of this Article; travel, food, accommodation and living expenses during the days of attending are paid by the union.
4. Non-professional union officials who are paid by employers are entitled to union responsibility allowances according to the regulations of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.
5. full-time union officials whose salaries are paid by the union are guaranteed by employers for the rights and welfare of the collective such as employees working in agencies, organizations, units, and enterprises.
Thus, from July 1, 2025, ensuring conditions for trade union activities is regulated as above.
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