Storm in the heart

Việt Văn |

Thousands of trees that were knocked down by the storm are being replanted if they are still small or removed if they are too big to take root. The streets are less chaotic, and daily life in the capital is gradually returning to normal with the autumn sun and gentle winds. However, in some suburban areas, flooding is forecast to last for another 3 to 10 days, along with receding water levels in the rivers.

The mountainous provinces, where rivers and streams originate, will need more time to return to a state that can be called “normal”. Normal means the landscape, temporary houses… but as for roads, constructions, especially people’s hearts, it will take a long time, even the rest of their lives, to heal. That is why people say that the storm in the heart is much more frightening.

Natural storms come and go like an inevitable natural phenomenon of the weather. Each place they sweep through leaves damage at different levels. The worst is the pain of separation for those left behind. It turns into a storm that smolders forever. However, that pain is still personal. As for the rest, over time, people will quickly forget the old storm, before the new storm hits. As the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami wrote: “When the storm is over, you will not remember how you got through it, how you managed to survive. You will not even be sure, in fact, whether the storm has really passed. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you will no longer be the same person who entered it” (quoted from the novel “Kafka on the Shore”).

Poet Te Hanh has a poem called “Storm” with emotional verses: “The storm tilts at night/ The tree branches break and leaves fly/ I hold your hand/ Let’s cross the street together so we don’t fall/ The storm has stopped for a long time/ The trees are green again/ But you are far away/ And the storm in my heart blows forever”.

Việt Văn

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Nhóm PV |

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