Union bicycles come to the working people

Phương Linh |

Khanh Hoa - 27 "Union bicycles" were given to children of union members in difficult circumstances by the Khanh Hoa Provincial Civil Servants' Union in coordination with supporting units.

On the morning of October 10, in Nha Trang City, the Khanh Hoa Provincial Civil Servants' Union organized a scholarship award ceremony for children of civil servants and public employees in difficult circumstances and presented gifts to female union members with serious illnesses.

Today, Le Nguyen Khoi - a 7th grade student at Ly Thuong Kiet Secondary School (Van Ninh District, Khanh Hoa) - woke up early to follow his mother to receive his scholarship, which is the bicycle he has long dreamed of.

Lanh dao Cong doan Vien chuc tinh Khanh Hoa va don vi tai tro trao xe dap cho con doan vien. Anh: Phuong Linh
Leaders of Khanh Hoa Provincial Civil Servants' Union and sponsoring unit present bicycles to union members' children. Photo: Phuong Linh

The house is about 2km from the school, every day, Khoi and his mother have to wake up early, so that his mother can take him to school first and then go to work. "Having this bike, I am very happy because my mother will have less trouble taking me to school during extracurricular activities, which are different from her working hours" - Khoi shared.

For Ms. Nguyen Thi Nguyet - a union employee at Cam Ranh College of Tourism and Technology, the gift from the union as a reward for her child's academic achievement, a bicycle, is extremely meaningful at this time.

Ba Le Thi Minh Hien - Chu tich Cong doan Vien chuc tinh Khanh Hoa trao qua cho nu doan vien kho khan. Anh: Phuong Linh
Ms. Le Thi Minh Hien - Chairwoman of Khanh Hoa Provincial Civil Servants' Union - presents gifts to female union members in difficult circumstances. Photo: Phuong Linh

Ms. Nguyet said: “Since the day she learned about the bicycle, she has been very happy. My family is poor, every day she takes her younger sibling to school on an old bicycle for the past 4 years. I want to buy her a new bicycle so that the two of them can go to school, but our financial situation is still limited. I have 3 children, one of whom has a congenital disease and needs treatment, so I have to spend my salary of more than 3 million VND/month to prioritize the daily needs of the children first. Now that the bicycle has been supported by the union, she has a new bicycle, giving it to her 5th grader to ride by herself, while the 7th grader still wants to ride the old bicycle so that her parents can work with peace of mind.”

The joy of having bicycles to go to school today was also given by Khanh Hoa Civil Servants' Union to 25 students who are children of union members in difficult circumstances from affiliated grassroots unions.

Niem vui cua con doan vien khi nhan nhung chiec xe dap moi mang dau an cong doan. Anh: Phuong Linh
The joy of union members' children when receiving new bicycles bearing the Union's mark. Photo: Phuong Linh

According to Ms. Le Thi Minh Hien - Chairwoman of Khanh Hoa Provincial Civil Servants' Union, in order to promptly encourage and provide practical support for union members and their children in special circumstances, recently, the Provincial Civil Servants' Union has mobilized units and coordinated with higher-level unions to provide gifts to those in need.

In particular, Khanh Hoa Lottery Company Limited supported 27 bicycles, worth 1,650,000 VND/bicycle, to give to children of union members in difficult circumstances or with illnesses, all of whom have good academic achievements.

In coordination with the Khanh Hoa Provincial Federation of Labor, 6 scholarships, each worth 1 million VND, were awarded to children of union members from the scholarship program to support students, ethnic minorities, and poor students of the Nguoi Lao Dong Newspaper in 2024.

In particular, in the series of activities to care for female union members, on this occasion, the Provincial Civil Servants' Union presented 8 gifts (each worth 1 million VND) to female union members in difficult circumstances or with serious illnesses who are working at affiliated trade unions.

The gift given by the Union not only contributes a small part to improving the lives of union members and their children, but also further affirms the role of the Union as a support for workers in times of weakness.

Phương Linh

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