"Choosing Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi milk is up to parents and schools"


Hanoi - According to the leader of the Department of Education and Training of Hoai Duc district, there are currently 44 schools that allow students to use milk from Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi Milk Joint Stock Company.

Pause until test results are available

On September 26, speaking with Lao Dong, Mr. Vuong Van Lam - Head of the Department of Education and Training of Hoai Duc district - said that after a "wave" of opinions from parents whose children are studying at schools in the district reflecting on the problem of milk quality of Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi Milk Joint Stock Company, the unit requested the schools to meet with parents to discuss and agree on related issues.

According to Mr. Lam, based on documents of the Hanoi Department of Education and Training and the Resolution of the Hanoi People's Council, the authority and responsibility in this matter belongs to the school principals and the parents of the students to decide which type of milk to buy and use for their children.

Basically, schools in Hoai Duc district, after meeting with parents, decided to temporarily stop selling this type of milk while waiting for milk quality test results from competent authorities.

From the perspective of the Department of Education and Training of Hoai Duc district, Mr. Lam informed that immediately after the incident occurred, the unit directed a review of cases of children with stomach aches suspected to be caused by drinking Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi milk.

Products of Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi JSC have been used by schools in the district since last year. This year, the number of schools in Hoai Duc district using this milk is 44/81 units (including primary schools, kindergartens and 2 secondary schools). Through the summary report, none of these cases have the situation as reported by parents.

In addition, the People's Committee of Hoai Duc district has also directed functional units including the district Health Department to coordinate with the district Education and Training Department to synthesize parents' opinions to check and evaluate the capacity profile of the Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi milk supplier.

After the test results are available, the unit will make them public to the school and parents. Based on the results, the parties will decide whether to continue using the service or not, depending on the parents' needs.

"Choosing milk is the parent's right"

Head of the Education and Training Division of Hoai Duc district said: “Currently, there is no document from the City or the Department regulating bidding on this content. In my opinion, this is money contributed by parents, whether parents request bidding or not is also their right to choose. If the money comes from the budget, it will definitely have to be bid according to regulations.”

Regarding the content that many parents wonder about why Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi Milk JSC's products are still quite unfamiliar to consumers (the business has only been operating for 2 years; the unit's GMP certificate was only granted from September 10, 2024) but many schools still choose and let students consume them, Mr. Vuong Van Lam affirmed: "Choosing which milk product to give their children to drink is the parents' right, the district Department of Education and Training does not interfere deeply in this issue".

Previously, as reported by Lao Dong Newspaper, many parents of kindergartens and primary schools in Dan Phuong and Hoai Duc districts (Hanoi) reported that the quality of milk in their children's school lunches was problematic, causing some children to have diarrhea and gastrointestinal infections.


CTCP sữa Núi Tản Ba Vì đóng cửa, chờ giám định sản phẩm


Hà Nội - Sau khi gặp phải sự phản đối của phụ huynh các trường đang sử dụng sản phẩm của CTCP sữa Núi Tản Ba Vì, hiện đơn vị đang tạm ngưng sản xuất.

Nguồn gốc, chất lượng sữa Núi Tản Ba Vì bị đặt nhiều nghi vấn

Cao Thơm - Đinh Hiệp |

Nguồn gốc, chất lượng sữa Núi Tản Ba Vì đang là một trong những vấn đề mà nhiều phụ huynh ở huyện Đan Phượng, Hà Nội bị đặt nhiều hoài nghi.

Học sinh sử dụng 1 năm sữa vừa được cấp GMP nửa tháng


Dù mới đi vào hoạt động từ tháng 7.2022 nhưng sản phẩm của CTCP sữa Núi Tản Ba Vì đã được đưa vào sử dụng cho rất nhiều trường học tại Đan Phượng và Hoài Đức.

Phụ huynh bất an khi trường học sử dụng sữa lạ trong bữa ăn

Cao Thơm - Đinh Hiệp |

Gần đây, nhiều phụ huynh ý kiến lo ngại về nguồn gốc, chất lượng sữa trong bữa ăn bán trú của học sinh.

Sữa chua Núi Tản Ba Vì bị phụ huynh nghi ngờ chất lượng

Bùi Thơm |

Nhiều phụ huynh có con theo học ở các trường mầm non, tiểu học tại Hoài Đức, Đan Phượng tố chất lượng “Sữa chua Núi Tản Ba Vì” không đảm bảo chất lượng.

Làm rõ vụ nghi ngộ độc trà sữa khiến 21 học sinh đau bụng


Gia Lai – Sau khi dùng trà sữa ở bữa tiệc liên hoan Trung thu, 21 học sinh có biểu hiện ngộ độc thực phẩm với các triệu chứng buồn nôn, đau bụng.

Vẫn khó giao dịch vàng nhẫn ở TPHCM


Nhiều người dân TPHCM đến các cửa hàng giao dịch vàng nhẫn, nhưng không thành, vì thời điểm này, các thương hiệu vàng lớn không có hàng để bán.

Chủ tịch nước quyết định đặc xá cho 3.765 phạm nhân

Ái Vân |

Chủ tịch nước đã quyết định đặc xá cho 3.763 phạm nhân đang chấp hành án phạt tù và 2 người đang được tạm đình chỉ chấp hành án phạt tù.

Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi Milk Joint Stock Company closed, waiting for product appraisal


Hanoi - After facing opposition from parents of schools using products of Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi Milk Joint Stock Company, the company is currently temporarily suspending production.

The origin and quality of Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi milk are questioned

Cao Thơm - Đinh Hiệp |

The origin and quality of Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi milk is one of the issues that many parents in Dan Phuong district, Hanoi are skeptical about.

Students use 1 year of milk that has just been granted GMP half a month ago


Although it has only been in operation since July 2022, Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi Milk Joint Stock Company's products have been used in many schools in Dan Phuong and Hoai Duc.

Parents worried when school uses strange milk in meals

Cao Thơm - Đinh Hiệp |

Recently, many parents have expressed concerns about the origin and quality of milk in students' meals.

Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi Yogurt is suspected of quality by parents

Bùi Thơm |

Many parents with children studying at kindergartens and primary schools in Hoai Duc and Dan Phuong complain that the quality of "Nui Tan Ba ​​Vi Yogurt" is not guaranteed.

Clarifying the suspected milk tea poisoning case that caused 21 students to have stomach aches


Gia Lai – After drinking milk tea at a Mid-Autumn Festival party, 21 students showed signs of food poisoning with symptoms of nausea and stomachache.