Proposal for designating a contractor for the new Phong Chau bridge construction project

Tô Công |

Phu Tho Department of Transport proposed to apply a special mechanism, appointing a shortened bid to speed up the implementation of the new Phong Chau bridge construction project.

According to the report of the Department of Transport of Phu Tho province sent to the Provincial People's Committee on the investment plan to build the new Phong Chau bridge on National Highway 32C, the new bridge will be built at the location of the old bridge.

The new bridge has a total length of about 1km, the bridge section is 400m long, the rest is the approach road connecting to the inter-regional traffic route, designed to ensure compliance with the planning of Phu Tho province for the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050.

The new Phong Chau Bridge is designed according to the balanced cantilever bridge plan of reinforced concrete and prestressed reinforced concrete; the total length of the bridge up to the 2 abutments is 393.5m; the total width of the bridge is 21.5m (including 4 lanes for motor vehicles, 2 lanes for non-motor vehicles, median strip, safety strip and bridge railing). Compared to the old bridge that collapsed, there was only 7m of roadway, 1m of sidewalk on each side, 9.5m of bridge surface width... the new Phong Chau Bridge will be more than twice as wide.

Hien truong vu sap cau Phong Chau ngay 9.9. Anh: To Cong.
Scene of the Phong Chau bridge collapse on September 9. Photo: To Cong.

The bridge will have an approach road connecting to the inter-regional traffic route, which is designed to be upgraded and expanded to ensure the scale of a level 3 plain road, with a design speed of 80 km/h.

The total investment of the project is 875 billion VND from the central budget.

To promptly resolve the traffic disruption and help people stabilize their lives, the Department of Transport requested the People's Committee of Phu Tho province to report to competent authorities to guide the procedures for implementing the investment in the construction of the new Phong Chau bridge in the form of emergency public investment.

Cong tac tim kiem, truc vot phan cau Phong Chau bi sap va cac phuong tien duoi song dang duoc tich cuc trien khai. Anh: To Cong.
Search and salvage work on the collapsed Phong Chau bridge and vehicles under the river is being actively carried out. Photo: To Cong.

At the same time, allow the application of a special mechanism in the organization of contractor selection to implement all project packages in the form of shortened bidding to speed up the progress of construction investment implementation.

The above plan was coordinated by the Project Management Board for Investment in Construction of Traffic, Civil and Industrial Works with the Transport Design Consulting Corporation - Construction Joint Stock Company.

Previously, the Prime Minister directed urgent research and investment in the construction of the new Phong Chau bridge on National Highway 32C.

Tô Công

Duyệt chi 9,1 tỉ đồng trục vớt cầu Phong Châu và các phương tiện

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Cục Đường bộ Việt Nam (Bộ Giao thông Vận tải) đã duyệt chi hơn 9 tỉ đồng để trục vớt cầu Phong Châu bị sập và các phương tiện gặp nạn.

Bắt đầu trục vớt phương tiện và phần cầu Phong Châu bị sập

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Các lực lượng chức năng đang phá dỡ, trục vớt các phần của cầu Phong Châu bị sập, từng bước đưa các phương tiện còn nằm dưới sông lên bờ.

Thử nghiệm nhịp cầu phao đầu tiên thay cầu Phong Châu sập

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Quân đội đã hạ thủy những nhịp cầu phao đầu tiên để thử nghiệm trước khi chính thức lắp đặt cầu phao hoàn chỉnh tạm thay thế cầu Phong Châu bị sập.

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Ông Hồ Xuân Trường giữ chức Phó Bí thư Tỉnh uỷ Đắk Nông


Ông Hồ Xuân Trường được điều động, chỉ định tham gia Ban Chấp hành, Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh uỷ, giữ chức Phó Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Đắk Nông nhiệm kỳ 2020 - 2025.

Israel bị bủa vây khắp Trung Đông

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Nguyễn Linh |

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Rác chất thành "núi", tràn ra đường gom Đại lộ Thăng Long

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Approved 9.1 billion VND to salvage Phong Chau bridge and vehicles

Tô Công |

Phu Tho - The Vietnam Road Administration (Ministry of Transport) has approved spending more than 9 billion VND to salvage the collapsed Phong Chau bridge and the vehicles involved.

Started salvaging vehicles and collapsed Phong Chau bridge

Tô Công |

Phu Tho - Authorities are demolishing and salvaging parts of the collapsed Phong Chau bridge, gradually bringing vehicles still in the river to shore.

Testing the first pontoon bridge span to replace the collapsed Phong Chau bridge

Tô Công |

Phu Tho - The army has launched the first spans of the pontoon bridge for testing before officially installing the complete pontoon bridge to temporarily replace the collapsed Phong Chau bridge.