According to flight schedules and booking data of airlines (as of January 15, 2025), during the Lunar New Year 2025, Tan Son Nhat International Airport will serve a record high number of passengers.
From December 23 to December 29 of the Lunar calendar, the number of flights operated at Tan Son Nhat International Airport fluctuates from 820-900 flights/day, with the highest day being 901 flights (December 24) and the lowest day being 823 flights (December 29); the number of passengers passing through the port on the peak days (December 26 and 27) reaches approximately 150,000 passengers (an increase of 12.7% compared to the peak days before Tet 2024).
For the days after Tet (from the 1st to the 6th of the first lunar month), the number of flights operated at Tan Son Nhat fluctuates from 830-900 flights/day, with the highest day being 917 flights (the 5th of the first lunar month) and the lowest day being 832 flights (the 1st of the first lunar month); the number of passengers passing through the port on the peak day (the 5th of the first lunar month) reached more than 155,000 passengers (an increase of 4% compared to the peak day after Tet in 2024).
The number of passengers passing through the airport may increase but not much because basically, flights from Ho Chi Minh City to the Northern and Central provinces were almost full before Tet.
Overall, in the 7 days from December 29, compared to the same period of Lunar New Year 2024 (Giap Thin), it is forecasted that the exploitation activities at Tan Son Nhat International Airport during Tet this year will also increase with over 6,100 flights and approximately 900,000 passengers, an increase of 8.7% in the number of flights and 4% in the number of passengers compared to the same period last year.
In preparation for the peak exploitation period of the Lunar New Year of At Ty in 2025, since the end of October 2024, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam has coordinated with relevant units to deploy solutions to serve passengers such as adjusting the parameters of take-off and landing times at the port (slot), supporting and creating conditions for Vietnamese airlines (HKVN) to add aircraft to increase the supply capacity, arrange spare aircraft, be ready to replace, adjust the exploitation plan...
Accordingly, the number of aircraft of Vietnamese airlines serving the Tet period has been supplemented by 14 aircraft, bringing the total number of aircraft of the airlines to 212 aircraft (VN is 99 aircraft, VJ is 98 aircraft, BL is 3 aircraft, QH is 8 aircraft and VU is 4 aircraft), an increase of 5 aircraft compared to the same period in 2024. Currently, Vietnam Airlines continues to prepare to wet lease 1 more A321 aircraft for operation and reserve for the fleet. The slot coordination parameters at Tan Son Nhat International Airport have been adjusted to increase by 48 flights/hour for some day time frames and 46 flights/hour for night time frames (from January 21, 2025 to February 9, 2025), increasing the slot fund at Tan Son Nhat International Airport by about 18% compared to normal days and allowing Vietnamese airlines to supplement the supply capacity on routes, improving operating capacity.
To meet the travel needs of passengers, Vietnamese airlines have also stepped up the operation of night flights, with Vietnam Airlines operating more than 1,500 night flights, accounting for 14% of the total capacity, or VietJet Air operating 1,590 flights, accounting for 17% of the total capacity, mainly operating routes from Ho Chi Minh City to the Northern and Central provinces. The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam has also directed Tho Xuan, Dong Hoi, Chu Lai, Phu Cat, Pleiku and Tuy Hoa airports to implement a 24/24-hour operation plan, ensuring compliance with the night flight plans of airlines.
In addition, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam has directed units and businesses in the aviation industry and coordinated with relevant agencies in reviewing procedures, developing service plans, mobilizing and arranging necessary resources, infrastructure, equipment, and vehicles at airports, ensuring readiness for exploitation and service plans for passengers traveling by air.