Highland province to welcome inter-agency headquarters worth over 720 billion VND

Tân Văn |

The project has an investment capital of more than 720 billion VND to build a new office for the inter-agency of Cao Bang province.

The project of building working headquarters for departments, branches and sectors (inter-agency) of Cao Bang province has a total investment of over 720 billion VND, implementation period from 2022-2025.

Recorded on October 20, this hundred billion VND building is under construction on lot HC.3 in the Provincial Administrative Center (De Tham New Urban Area, Cao Bang City). The project started in January 2023, and is expected to be completed and put into use around the second quarter of 2025.

The headquarters of departments, agencies and branches are built opposite the new headquarters of the People's Committee - People's Council of Cao Bang province.

Tru so lam viec lien nganh tri gia hon 720 ti cua Cao Bang dang di vao hoan thien. Anh: Tan Van.
The multi-sectoral office worth over 720 billion VND of Cao Bang is being completed. Photo: Tan Van.

These days, the working atmosphere at the construction site is urgent. According to observations, the rough construction has been basically completed, the construction units are installing electrical systems, air conditioning, glass and ventilation systems...

Mr. Hoang Van Cong (a construction worker from Thach An district, Cao Bang) shared: "The company encourages employees to work focused and safely so that the project can be completed on schedule. We work in shifts, so we go to work regardless of rain or shine."

Cong nhan dang hoan thien he thong khung de lap dat kinh. Anh: Tan Van.
Workers are completing the frame system to install the glass. Photo: Tan Van.

The investor of the project to build the complex building is the Cao Bang Provincial Investment and Construction Project Management Board.

Evaluated as a project with modern architecture, highlighting and symbolizing, the new headquarters of departments, branches and sectors of Cao Bang province is expected to contribute to improving the effectiveness of management work.

Du an xay dung gom 3 khoi nha rieng re, ket noi voi nhau bang 2 loi di bo, 1 tang ham de xe. Anh: Tan Van.
The construction project consists of 3 separate blocks of houses, connected by 2 walkways and 1 basement for parking. Photo: Tan Van.

The scale of this headquarters project includes 9 floors above ground, 1 basement and 1 attic floor. The total floor area is about 43,100m2, this project will be the headquarters, receiving people of nearly 20 departments, branches and sectors of Cao Bang province such as: Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Planning and Investment, Provincial Economic Zone Management Board...

Tru so nay doi dien voi toa nha lam viec cua UBND - HDND tinh Cao Bang. Anh: Tan Van.
The Cao Bang Provincial Inter-Agency Headquarters is built opposite the office building of the Cao Bang Provincial People's Committee and People's Council. Photo: Tan Van.

According to information from the project investor, the unit is continuing to urge contractors to regularly check construction progress, and direct contractors to mobilize human and material resources to implement the project to ensure the progress of the plan.

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