
Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 13 nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 13, Hanoi will have light rain, drizzle and fog at night and in the morning. Ho Chi Minh City is sunny.

Ha Long strictly handles many contractors behind schedule


Quang Ninh - Ha Long City has just terminated contracts with many contractors due to slow construction progress of projects, affecting the general development plan of the locality.

Weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow, March 13


Latest weather forecast 13.3: The North is generally windy with drizzle and fog in the morning and at night. The Central Highlands has showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evening and at night.

Body of fisherman found after 10 days missing at sea


Quang Tri - The body of a fisherman who had been missing for 10 days at sea was discovered near Con Co Island.

Binh Dinh seals, bans fishing vessels from being inspected at sea


Binh Dinh - On March 12, Chairman of Binh Dinh Province Pham Anh Tuan directed the implementation of measures to combat IUU fishing in the province.

Proposal to adjust traffic flow on Cam Lo - La Son expressway


Quang Tri - Traffic accidents continue to increase, so the locality continues to propose reviewing traffic diversion on the Cam Lo - La Son expressway.

Thunderstorms in the South in the next 3 days


According to the Southern Hydrometeorological Station, thunderstorms will continue in the last days of September, concentrated in the afternoon and evening.

Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant grants scholarships to help children go to school


The Trade Union of Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant (Binh Thuan) awarded scholarships "Step up for children to go to school in 2024" with a total value of 25 million VND.

A pedestrian was hit and killed by train SE8


Binh Thuan - A pedestrian was hit and killed by a train on the North-South railway line.

Psychological crisis when witnessing landslides along the Red River


Hanoi - Within just over a month, a household in Gia Lam witnessed two landslides that swept away buildings and large areas of residential land.

Traffic police launch 30-day peak to handle students violating traffic laws


Traffic police forces nationwide have launched a high-profile campaign to inspect and handle violations of traffic safety and order by students and their parents...

Phu Yen strives to help ethnic minority areas escape poverty


By 2029, Phu Yen strives to increase the average income of ethnic minorities to 70-73 million VND/year; the poverty rate will decrease to below 12%...

Image of 9-vehicle pile-up on Highway 51


Ba Ria - Vung Tau - The Provincial Traffic Police Department has just extracted camera footage of a series of accidents involving 9 vehicles that blocked National Highway 51.

Clarifying the case of a truck driven by a wife running over her husband and killing him


Binh Phuoc - In Chon Thanh town, a truck driven by a wife ran over and killed her husband.

Reasons why Vinh Phuc is slow to disburse public investment capital


By September, the disbursement of public investment capital in Vinh Phuc had only reached more than 3,998 billion VND, equal to 51.4% of the capital plan assigned by the Central Government.

3 Binh Thuan fishermen suffered decompression sickness after diving deep in Truong Sa


Three fishermen from Binh Thuan were diving at a depth of 14 meters to catch fish in Truong Sa when they suffered decompression sickness and were taken to Sinh Ton Dong island for emergency treatment.

Weather Forecast for the next 3 days from September 27 to September 29 in all three regions


According to the meteorological agency's heat map, the weather in the North is forecast to change from September 28.

Reckless thieves steal electrical equipment in Dak Nong


Dak Nong - Thieves have risked their lives to sneak in and steal copper ground wires and power cables at many transformer stations of Dak Nong Electricity Company.

The remaining part of Phong Chau bridge is at risk of collapsing


Phu Tho - The remaining part of Phong Chau bridge at present shows signs of tilting, subsidence..., and could collapse at any time.

From 2025, in which cases can drivers get off when stopping their cars?


From January 1, 2025, in some cases, car drivers are allowed to get off when stopping the vehicle but must ensure safety measures.