Recently, Medlatec General Hospital admitted Mr. V.T.L (59 years old, in Hanoi) for examination due to headache, which is right rib.
Medical history shows that Mr. L did not smoke, 4 days before being admitted to the hospital, he had pain in the amniotic area (before the head), a feeling of heaviness inside, accompanied by signs of mild pain in the right rib, pain unrelated to movement, breathing.
The chest X-ray results showed a lackluster note at the level of the left lung navel. chest CT- scans with optic resistance showed a specialhanum on the left lung, classified as Lung RADS 4A - suspected to be malicious.
To determine the nature of the tumor, the doctor performed a lung photoshow under CT- sc scanner instructions.
The pathological results showed that the image was suitable for small cell non-celed lung cancer. Tissue testing with Hematoxylin-Eosin dyeing on a photosholed sample determined tuyen carcinoma (lyngal cancer).
The doctor recommends Dyeing immune tissue with PDL1 and genetic modification testing to assess the ability to treat immunotherapy and targeted treatment. The CYFRA 21-1 cancer imprint test resulted in 3.87 ng/ml (ie an increase compared to normal values).
Based on clinical and paraclinical results, Mr. L was diagnosed with non-cellulitis, which was predicted to be early, but other tests needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Lung cancer screening - a golden opportunity to escape the "lover of death"
According to Dr. Tran Van Thu - Deputy Head of the Department of Graphic Diagnosis, Medlatec General Hospital, lung cancer comes from the abnormal increase of malignant cells in the lungs. In the early stages, patients often have difficulty detecting clinical symptoms, in most cases when diagnosed and detected, they have entered the late stage, the mortality rate is very high.
If the disease is detected early, the chance of survival will increase. In cases where diagnosis is late, metastatic cancer, the possibility of treatment is extremely low.
Regular screening not only helps detect early damage to cancer or cancer in the early stages, but also significantly improves prognosis and quality of life for patients.
Doctor Thu recommends that people in the following group should undergo regular lung cancer screening every 6 months:
People over 50 years old;
People who have been smoking for a long time;
People with a family history of lung cancer;
People working in toxic environments.
If symptoms such as: prolonged cough of unknown cause, cough of blood, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, chest pain of unknown cause, weight loss, fatigue, voice changes, you should immediately go to a reputable medical facility for timely examination and treatment.