Sending a question to the Government Electronic Information Portal, Mr. Bui Duc said that he is a freelancer, a low-income person in urban areas. So, how should this subject prepare documents to buy social housing?
Responding to this issue, the Ministry of Construction said as follows:
To buy social housing, buyers must meet the following housing and income requirements:
People do not have labor contracts, if they are single, their actual monthly income is not more than 15 million VND.
If they are married according to the provisions of law, the plaintiff and his/her wife (husband) with a total actual monthly income will receive no more than 30 million VND.
The dossier for purchasing social housing for people without labor contracts includes the following documents:
Application for registration of purchase, lease, purchase and rental of social housing (Form No. 01, Appendix II, Decree No. 100/2024/ND-CP).
Confirmation of subject at the People's Committee of the commune where the permanent or temporary residence is registered (Form No. 01, Appendix I, Circular No. 05/2024/TT-BXD dated July 31, 2024 of the Minister of Construction detailing a number of articles of the Housing Law).
Confirmation of housing conditions:
In case there is no housing, the office/ Branch of the district-level land registration office of the province/city directly under the Central Government where there is a social housing construction investment project is confirmed.
For cases where there is a house but the average housing area per capita is less than 15 m2 of floor space/person, the People's Committee of the commune where the person declares the certificate of housing conditions is in the form of permanent residence registration.
Documents proving income conditions to buy social housing are confirmed by the People's Committee of the commune where the person declaring the income conditions is a low-income person.
In case the person applying for or renting social housing is married, the wife or husband must also declare a form of documents proving the income condition according to Form No. 04 or Form No. 05 in Appendix I of Circular No. 05/2024/TT-BXD.