250 Khanh Hoa union members send their thoughts to National Assembly delegates

Linh Long |

Khanh Hoa - On the morning of October 11, the National Assembly Delegation of Khanh Hoa province met with voters, officials, union members, and workers before the 8th session.

Attending the meeting with voters were 250 officials, union members, and workers representing more than 96,000 workers in the province.

Mr. Phan Thanh Liem - Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial Labor Federation said that the meeting with voters of Khanh Hoa Provincial National Assembly Delegation today aims to create a forum for cadres, union members and workers to propose to National Assembly Deputies important contents related to jobs, income and life of workers.

Ong Phan Thanh Liem - Chu tich LDLD tinh Khanh Hoa phat bieu tai hoi nghi. Anh: Phuong Linh
Mr. Phan Thanh Liem - Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial Labor Federation spoke at the conference. Photo: Phuong Linh

In particular, contributing opinions to the draft Law on Trade Unions (amended), the Law on Employment (amended) and hoping that the Party and State will have more new policies to improve and enhance the material and spiritual life, meeting the essential needs of union members and workers.

Before the conference, the Provincial Federation of Labor has compiled more than 50 opinions, recommendations, and proposals from union members and workers to send to the leaders of the National Assembly Delegation of Khanh Hoa province. At today's direct voter contact, there will be opinions raised for the delegates to consider, listen to, and understand the proposals of voters who are union members, workers, and workers on jobs, income, life, and improving the system of policies and laws.

Cu tri la can bo, doan vien, nguoi lao dong tinh Khanh Hoa neu y kien tai buoi tiep xuc cu tri voi dai bieu Quoc hoi. Anh: Phuong Linh
Voters who are officials, union members, and workers of Khanh Hoa province expressed their opinions at the meeting between voters and National Assembly deputies. Photo: Phuong Linh

Based on these recommendations, the National Assembly Delegation of Khanh Hoa province will synthesize and reflect opinions to the National Assembly to contribute to the development of policies and laws that are feasible and close to reality.

Informing voters, delegate Le Huu Tri - Deputy Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Khanh Hoa province reported on 3 important contents related to the union of workers.
Specifically, the contents related to the results of the extraordinary session of the National Assembly before the 8th session, the expected agenda of the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly and the responses of ministers and heads of sectors that the union members and workers of Khanh Hoa province had requested.

At the conference, many voters were interested in the revised Trade Union Law, in which voters recommended increasing the initiative of trade unions in personnel and trade union finance issues...

Many opinions of union members were also sent to National Assembly deputies regarding the revised Law on Employment. Voters said that the amendment should be considered to raise the ceiling on unemployment benefits, extending the unemployment benefit period to 18 or 24 months, according to the roadmap, with the benefit level equal to or lower than the current level of 60%...

Linh Long

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Lâm Điền |

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