For over 3 months, Ms. Ban Thi Minh in Son Nam commune (Son Duong district, Tuyen Quang) has had a stable job at a company specializing in exporting leather shoes in Phuc Ung Industrial Park (Phuc Ung commune, Son Duong district) with an income of over 7 million VND/month. Compared to her previous job, it is not as good, but Ms. Minh is determined to stick with it for the long term.
Ms. Minh shared: “Before, I worked in Bac Giang, also as a worker. Although the income was a bit higher, I had to be far from home, and I didn’t feel secure about living in a rented house. A few months ago, I went back to my hometown to visit. At that time, there was a job fair in the commune. I went to check it out and unexpectedly found a suitable job. Now that I have a job near home with a stable income, I feel very good because I have the conditions to take care of my children.”
Unlike Ms. Minh, Ms. Ly Minh Hien, Thai Binh commune (Yen Son district) has chosen to work in Japan. She is currently studying Japanese and receiving vocational training at an affiliated company in Tuyen Quang city. If all goes well, after the Lunar New Year 2025, she will officially go to work for a 3-year term in Japan.
Ms. Hien said: “Thanks to the labor export company, they came to the commune for the job transaction session, so I was consulted, found it suitable for my conditions, so I chose to go. Work in Japan for 3 years with an expected income of about 40 million VND/month, earn some capital and then return to my hometown to do business.”
The enhancement of job introduction and investment attraction has contributed to solving and creating new jobs for thousands of workers in Tuyen Quang province. In addition, the way of organizing introductions and connecting businesses and workers has also been innovated towards reaching the grassroots level and reaching the workers. Online trading sessions are regularly organized to increase the connection between workers in the province and businesses and employers in the area with needs, finding suitable jobs.
According to the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of Tuyen Quang province, since the beginning of the year, the whole province has created new jobs for over 26,300 workers, reaching over 116% of the 2024 plan. Of which, over 16,500 workers have created jobs in economic sectors in the province, over 8,200 workers have gone to work in other provinces and cities, and nearly 1,500 workers have gone to work abroad under contracts.
Speaking to reporters, Mr. Hoang Quoc Cuong - Deputy Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs said that in 2024, the Department coordinated with units, businesses and districts to organize job fairs in all districts and cities, each attracting from 1,000 to 2,000 participants. "At the fairs, businesses and vocational training institutions introduced tens of thousands of job positions, recruited and trained workers, helping workers access suitable jobs. Through that, it created opportunities for workers to find suitable jobs to improve their income and quality of life" - Mr. Cuong informed.
It is known that the goal of Tuyen Quang province by the end of 2025 is to strive to reduce the poverty rate to below 10%. Vocational training and job creation for workers, especially in rural areas, remote areas, will contribute significantly to creating sustainable livelihoods and gradually reducing the poverty rate.