How to eat durian without affecting uric acid and without gaining weight

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ quora & bmj) |

Uric acid is not increased and weight loss goals are not affected if durian is eaten properly.

Helps control blood sugar

100g of durian contains 147 calories; 27.1g of carbohydrates; 1.47g of protein; 5.33g of fat; 3.8g of fiber and vitamins, minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, copper, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, so it is good for the body.

Durian has the ability to change insulin secretion, so it can control blood sugar levels . Diabetics who use durian at an appropriate level can improve insulin levels and reduce diabetes symptoms . However, before eating durian, you should consult your doctor to know the appropriate dosage for your condition.

With high carbohydrate and calorie content, durian is also considered a food that provides instant energy. The monounsaturated fats in durian help reduce bad cholesterol , which is beneficial for the cardiovascular system. If eaten in moderation, durian will not affect weight loss goals.

High uric acid and gout can eat durian?

Durian has many nutrients that are good for the body. Durian also contains active ingredients that help fight bacteria, reduce pain and inflammation during acute gout attacks. Therefore, gout patients or people with high uric acid levels can still consider and choose to eat durian in small amounts, only about 80g/day and once every 1-2 weeks.

Foods that should not be eaten with durian

Coffee : Combining durian and coffee can cause some health concerns. Caffeine in coffee is a stimulant that can affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems, while durian contains a large amount of sulfur. When combined, these two substances can lead to 70% of the oxidants in the cells not being metabolized, thereby causing toxicity to the body.

Seafood : Crabs are cold foods, so they should not be combined with durian. Eating these two foods at the same time can lead to cold stomach, diarrhea, and digestive disorders.

Crab is one of the seafood that should not be eaten with durian. Photo: Kieu Vu
Crab is one of the seafood that should not be eaten with durian. Photo: Kieu Vu

Lychee and longan: These two fruits are hot in nature, so when combined with durian, they will cause the body to overheat. This puts pressure on the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ quora & bmj)

Hạ đường huyết bằng quả lựu đúng cách

Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ Indiaexpress & Pubmed) |

Lựu không chỉ hỗ trợ hạ đường huyết mà còn tăng độ nhạy insulin và hỗ trợ giảm cân.

Axit uric là chất chống oxy hóa

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ Pubmed & Sciencedirect) |

Axit uric trong cơ thể bị thiếu hụt cũng sẽ gây ra tình trạng nguy hiểm.

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