Benefits of ghee
Jinal Patel, a nutritionist at Zynova Shalby Hospital Mumbai (India), said that ghee is a type of butter that has been cleaned and filtered to remove all impurities (made from cow's milk or goat's milk), water and solids from milk (such as casein protein and lactose), leaving only fat.
Ghee is widely used in South Asian cuisine.
The process of making ghee starts with melting plain butter and continues until impurities such as water and solids break down and separate, resulting in a clear, golden-yellow oil.
According to Dr. Jinal Patel, drinking warm water mixed with ghee can help improve stomach related problems like bloating, indigestion, flatulence or constipation.
Ghee is quite popular among people who want to lose weight. Ghee is also important in increasing collagen in the skin and boosting immunity and energy.
“Although ghee is beneficial, it should be consumed in moderation,” notes nutritionist Patel.
Should it be used on an empty stomach?
Sharing the same view, Dr. Birali Swetha, Head of the Department of Nutrition at Gleneagles Aware Hospital, LB Nagar, Hyderabad (India) further explained that, in recent times, many content creators on social networks have affirmed that using ghee with warm water and consuming it on an empty stomach can significantly improve the efficiency of the digestive tract.
Although consuming ghee with warm water on an empty stomach is a popular practice in traditional and Ayurvedic medicine, there is little scientific evidence to support its benefits when consumed on an empty stomach.
According to traditional medicine tips, ghee can improve digestion, promote gut health and aid regular bowel movements, says Dr. Birali Swetha.
This positive effect on the digestive system is mainly due to the presence of butyric acid and healthy fats in ghee.
Butyric acid is known to support gut cells and may have anti-inflammatory benefits, potentially benefiting digestive health. However, in clinical research, there is little direct evidence that ghee with warm water enhances digestion or has a measurable effect when consumed on an empty stomach.”
Additionally, ghee contains saturated fat, which should be consumed with caution, especially by those with high cholesterol or heart problems.
“Although fats play a role in nutrient absorption and energy balance, consuming too much can lead to unwanted weight gain and lipid imbalance,” notes Dr. Birali.