Glycemic index of persimmon
One crispy persimmon can contain 70 calories. Persimmons contain 80% water and 18.6% carbohydrates.
In addition, crispy persimmons are a rich source of fiber. One persimmon can contain an amount of fiber equivalent to 1/5 of the recommended amount of fiber. However, it should be noted that persimmons also contain some types of soluble fiber that can cause conditions such as bloating and flatulence.
Persimmons are also rich in vitamin B6, which helps form blood cells, regulates blood sugar levels and plays an important role in the immune system.
Persimmon has a glycemic index of 70, which is considered average blood sugar level. Therefore, diabetics should eat this fruit in moderation. When eating, pay attention to checking blood sugar index regularly to lower blood sugar as desired.
Foods that diabetics should not eat with persimmons
People with diabetes should eat fresh, ripe, deep red persimmons; they should limit eating crispy persimmons because they contain a lot of sugar.
To control blood sugar and not affect health, diabetics should avoid eating persimmons after eating eggs. Because when these two foods are combined, it can easily cause vomiting and acute enteritis.
Persimmons and crab soup are also two foods that should be avoided eating together because they cause stomachache and diarrhea.
Persimmons should also not be combined with sweet potatoes in the diet because it will affect stomach health.