Contribution of entrepreneurs in national history

Kim Sơn |

The history of building and defending the country of the Vietnamese people has witnessed many generations of outstanding people sacrificing for independence and freedom.

Besides the heroic feats on the military front, the struggle for national liberation also recorded the silent but extremely great contributions of all classes of people, including the patriotic businessmen. They are not only simple businessmen but also children carrying the blood of Lac Hong, always concerned about the fate of the country.

Entrepreneurs in the cause of national liberation

The attack of 13 French warships on Da Nang on August 31, 1858 marked the beginning of the French colonial invasion of Vietnam. Despite fierce resistance, after 26 years, France successfully imposed its domination over the entire country of Vietnam through the Patenotre Treaty of 1884, turning Vietnam into a colony, stripping the country of its sovereignty and making all economic activities serve only the interests of the mother country.

The French colonial exploitation policy focused on resource exploitation and labor exploitation, bringing huge profits to French capitalist groups but pushing the Vietnamese economy into a state of dependence and underdevelopment. Researcher J.P. Aumiphin described: “On one side, customs policy and on the other, mining regulations, allowed financial groups to realize important profits, most of which were transported out of Indochina. Mining was a profitable industry for the mother country's economy but became unprofitable for the Indochina economy.”

Although the Vietnamese economy during this period was mainly based on agriculture, a group of entrepreneurs with national spirit began to appear. They clearly recognized that national independence was the foundation for development, and their role in promoting the economy and society became increasingly important, especially during the Duy Tan and Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc movements in the early 20th century. Since then, Vietnamese entrepreneurs have played an indispensable role in the history of the struggle for independence and national construction.

However, by the 1940s, the scale of Vietnam's private economy was still very small. The appearance of Japanese fascism in Indochina unintentionally created opportunities for Vietnamese industrialists and merchants to rise. The weakening of France, combined with the Allied trade embargo, paved the way for domestic production to develop. The Vietnamese business community gradually asserted its position in society, contributing to nurturing the spirit of national pride among the Vietnamese people.

The "big businessmen" of Vietnam in the early 20th century such as Trinh Van Bo, Bach Thai Buoi, Nguyen Son Ha and many others left a significant mark in the history of the Vietnamese economy and revolution. They were not only famous for their business talent and wealth, but also known for their strong patriotism. These businessmen proved that success in business and patriotism and national spirit are not contradictory but can complement each other. They used their talents and resources not only to develop their personal careers but also to contribute to the common cause of the nation. Their shining examples are a strong source of inspiration for later generations of businessmen, affirming that business is not only about making profits but also part of social responsibility and patriotism.

New era Vietnamese entrepreneur

According to statistics, during the period 2004 - 2023, Vietnam witnessed a significant increase in the number of newly established enterprises, reaching more than 1.88 million enterprises. Notably, the number of newly established enterprises in 2023 increased 4.3 times compared to 2004. Entering 2024, this trend continued with more than 110,000 newly established enterprises in just the first 8 months of the year, an increase of 4.4% over the same period last year.

It is forecasted that for the whole year of 2024, this figure may exceed 159,000, marking the third consecutive year that Vietnam has set a record for the number of newly established enterprises. From 2000 to 2024, the total number of newly established enterprises is estimated to exceed 2.1 million. This strong growth is also reflected in the enterprise density, increasing from 1.1 enterprises/1,000 people in 2004 to 9.2 enterprises/1,000 people in 2023, equivalent to an increase of 8.4 times.

The Vietnamese business community and entrepreneurs have demonstrated their national spirit and high social responsibility, especially in difficult and challenging contexts. They are not only pioneers in production and business activities but also actively participate in meaningful social programs, aiming at poverty reduction, gratitude, and community support. The connection with all classes of people, from workers, farmers to intellectuals, contributes to strengthening the great national unity bloc.

The spirit of mutual love is further affirmed when the country faces the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and natural disasters. Although production and business activities are heavily affected, the business community is still resilient to overcome difficulties, making efforts to adapt to maintain operations, ensure jobs for workers and livelihoods for people.

In particular, Typhoon Yagi devastated 26 northern provinces and cities, causing great loss of life and property. The business community immediately joined hands to support and share with people in the disaster area in a timely and effective manner. This practical action is a clear demonstration of the national spirit, compatriotism, and solidarity of the Vietnamese people in the face of difficulties and challenges.

Kim Sơn

Doanh nhân “làm chủ thực tại mới”

Minh Thư |

Nhân Ngày doanh nhân Việt Nam 13.10, tọa đàm doanh nhân “Làm chủ thực tại mới” vừa được tổ chức thành công với hơn 150 khách mời.

Doanh nhân - đội tiên phong trong xác lập phương thức sản xuất số

Nhóm PV |

“Phương thức sản xuất số” là một khái niệm mới được Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm đề cập trong bài “Chuyển đổi số - động lực quan trọng phát triển lực lượng sản xuất, hoàn thiện quan hệ sản xuất đưa đất nước bước vào kỷ nguyên mới”.

Không có doanh nhân giỏi, dòng chảy kinh tế sẽ ngưng trệ


Thủ tướng Chính phủ nhấn mạnh nếu không có đội ngũ doanh nhân giỏi thì dòng chảy kinh tế sẽ ngưng trệ và đất nước sẽ không thể thịnh vượng.

Ra mắt sách "Lịch sử Việt Nam bằng hình" nhân Ngày Giải phóng Thủ đô

Thanh Hương |

Cuốn sách "Lịch sử Việt Nam bằng hình" do nhà xuất bản Đại học Sư phạm phát hành sẽ chính thức ra mắt độc giả vào ngày 26.9 tới đây.

Bộ sách Lịch sử Việt Nam bằng tranh, lan tỏa tình yêu lịch sử với thiếu nhi cả nước

đình dy |

Nhân kỷ niệm 30 năm thành lập bộ sách "Lịch sử Việt Nam bằng tranh", hưởng ứng Hội sách thiếu nhi Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh lần V năm 2024 và Ngày Quốc tế thiếu nhi 1.6, Nhà xuất bản Trẻ giới thiệu bộ sách "Lịch sử Việt Nam" bản tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh giúp các bé thiếu nhi thêm yêu lịch sử và tiếp cận lịch sử dễ dàng hơn.

Doanh nhân Việt Nam: Tâm - Tài - Trí - Dũng

Thùy Linh |

Tròn 20 năm trước, Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phan Văn Khải đã ký Quyết định số 990/QĐ-TTg lấy ngày 13 tháng 10 hằng năm là “Ngày Doanh nhân Việt Nam”.

Bổ nhiệm 3 Đại tá làm Giám đốc, Phó Giám đốc Công an tỉnh

Quang Việt |

Trong tuần, công an các tỉnh Quảng Bình, Sóc Trăng, Vĩnh Phúc ghi nhận việc bổ nhiệm chức vụ một Giám đốc và hai Phó Giám đốc.

Cận cảnh cống âu hơn 500 tỉ đồng sắp về đích ở Tiền Giang

Thành Nhân |

Tiền Giang - Dự án cống âu Nguyễn Tấn Thành đạt khối lượng thi công hơn 99%, dự kiến công trình này sẽ bàn giao cuối tháng 10.2024.

Entrepreneurs “Master the New Reality”

Minh Thư |

On the occasion of Vietnamese Entrepreneurs Day, October 13, the business seminar "Mastering the new reality" was successfully held with more than 150 guests.

Entrepreneurs - the vanguard in establishing digital production methods

Nhóm PV |

“Digital production method” is a new concept mentioned by General Secretary and President To Lam in the article “Digital transformation - an important driving force for developing productive forces, perfecting production relations, bringing the country into a new era”.

Without good entrepreneurs, economic flow will stagnate


The Prime Minister emphasized that without a team of good entrepreneurs, the economic flow will stagnate and the country will not be able to prosper.

Launching the book "History of Vietnam in pictures" on the occasion of Capital Liberation Day

Thanh Hương |

The book "History of Vietnam in pictures" published by the University of Education Publishing House will officially be introduced to readers on September 26.

Bộ sách Lịch sử Việt Nam bằng tranh, lan tỏa tình yêu lịch sử với thiếu nhi cả nước

đình dy |

Nhân kỷ niệm 30 năm thành lập bộ sách "Lịch sử Việt Nam bằng tranh", hưởng ứng Hội sách thiếu nhi Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh lần V năm 2024 và Ngày Quốc tế thiếu nhi 1.6, Nhà xuất bản Trẻ giới thiệu bộ sách "Lịch sử Việt Nam" bản tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh giúp các bé thiếu nhi thêm yêu lịch sử và tiếp cận lịch sử dễ dàng hơn.