Confederation of Labor of Can Tho City

Many gifts given to Can Tho children on Mid-Autumn Festival


Can Tho - 48 scholarships and many gifts were given by the Cai Rang District Labor Federation to children of union members, workers, civil servants, and laborers on the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Warm Mid-Autumn Festival of Can Tho workers and children


Recently, Mid-Autumn Festival programs were organized for children of union members and workers in Can Tho.

200 gifts given to children on Mid-Autumn Festival


200 gifts were given to disadvantaged children in Co Do town (Co Do district, Can Tho city) on the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival.

Can Tho Trade Union supports workers affected by storm


The Golden Heart Social Charity Fund of Can Tho Trade Union has donated 100 million VND to people affected by storm No. 3.

Mid-Autumn Festival comes to the children and workers of Can Tho

Gia Khiêm |

Can Tho - On the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival, nearly 300 gifts were given to children of union members and workers in Ninh Kieu district.

Can Tho Trade Union donates to support people in the North

Phong Linh |

On September 12, Can Tho Trade Union held a launching ceremony to support people affected by storm No. 3.

10,000 boxes of medicine will be given to people affected by the storm


It is expected that more than 10,000 boxes of medicine will be delivered by Hau Giang Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company to people affected by storms and floods.

Can Tho Labor Federation Party Delegation and Co Do District Party Committee signed the Coordination Regulations


On September 11, the Party Delegation of the Can Tho City Labor Federation and the Co Do District Party Committee signed a Regulation on coordination in implementing political tasks.

Groundbreaking ceremony of Trade Union Shelter for union members in difficult circumstances in Can Tho


Can Tho – On September 11, the Labor Federation of Thoi Lai district held a groundbreaking ceremony to build 5 Trade Union Shelters for union members in difficult circumstances.

Union Shelter gives more motivation to union members in difficulty


Can Tho - On September 6, Phong Dien District Labor Federation held a ceremony to present the Trade Union Shelter to union members in difficult circumstances.

Can Tho Trade Union gives away more than 2,260 gifts at the beginning of the new school year

Phong Linh |

The gifts from Can Tho Trade Union given to students are motivation for them to try harder and excel in their studies.

Closing ceremony of the training course to improve professional skills of Trade Union officials


Can Tho - On August 30, the Labor Federation of Co Do district held a closing ceremony for a training course to improve professional skills for union officials at all levels.

Another grassroots union established in Can Tho


Can Tho - On August 30, the Thot Not District Labor Federation held a ceremony to announce the Decision to admit union members and establish a grassroots union .

Nutritional union meal for 16,000 workers in Can Tho


About 16,000 workers of TKG Teakwang Can Tho Co., Ltd. enjoyed a nutritious Union Meal .

Established the Conical Conical Hat Trade Union in Can Tho


Can Tho - On August 25, the Confederation of Labor of Thoi Lai district held a ceremony to announce the decision to admit trade union members and establish the Chom Conical Hat Trade Union of Thoi Lai town.

Handing over houses to families of disadvantaged workers in Can Tho


Can Tho - On August 23, the Labor Confederation of Binh Thuy district coordinated with the Tra Noc Ward Communist Party to organize a sign-adding ceremony and hand over houses to families of workers in difficult circumstances.

Can Tho workers shine brightly at a collective wedding ceremony

Phong Linh - Mỹ Ly |

8 couples who are union members and employees of business units in the area were organized by the Can Tho City Trade Union for a collective wedding ceremony .

Can Tho Health Industry Union awarded the Golden Heart scholarship


Can Tho - Many students who are children of civil servants, public employees, and workers in the health sector who overcame difficulties and studied well were awarded Golden Heart scholarships at the beginning of the new school year.

Can Tho workers anxiously wait for the day of the mass wedding ceremony


Supported by the Trade Union and facilitated to organize a collective wedding ceremony , many union members and workers in Can Tho could not hide their happiness and expectations.

Can Tho City People's Committee and City Labor Confederation signed the Coordination Regulation


On August 16, Can Tho City People's Committee held a conference to sign coordination regulations with the Labor Confederation of Can Tho City for the period 2024-2028.