Confederation of Labor of Can Tho City

Many gifts given to Can Tho children on Mid-Autumn Festival


Can Tho - 48 scholarships and many gifts were given by the Cai Rang District Labor Federation to children of union members, workers, civil servants, and laborers on the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Warm Mid-Autumn Festival of Can Tho workers and children


Recently, Mid-Autumn Festival programs were organized for children of union members and workers in Can Tho.

200 gifts given to children on Mid-Autumn Festival


200 gifts were given to disadvantaged children in Co Do town (Co Do district, Can Tho city) on the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival.

Can Tho Trade Union supports workers affected by storm


The Golden Heart Social Charity Fund of Can Tho Trade Union has donated 100 million VND to people affected by storm No. 3.

Mid-Autumn Festival comes to the children and workers of Can Tho

Gia Khiêm |

Can Tho - On the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival, nearly 300 gifts were given to children of union members and workers in Ninh Kieu district.

Warm Meal at Can Tho State Bank Trade Union


On August 15, the State Bank Trade Union Can Tho City Branch organized the program " Trade Union Meal " for all union members and workers at the Branch.

Giving Trade Union Shelter to disadvantaged union members in Can Tho


On the afternoon of August 12, the Confederation of Labor (LDL) of Co Do district coordinated with the Department of Policy and Labor Relations of the Can Tho City Federation of Labor to organize a ceremony to award the 2024 Trade Union Shelter .

Inauguration of a project of more than half a billion VND in Can Tho


On August 12, Can Tho City Labor Federation coordinated with Vinh Trinh Commune People's Committee to organize the inauguration ceremony of Duong Xuong Bridge.

Many gifts were handed over to the children of struggling union members in Cần Thơ.


Can Tho – Many gifts, scholarships were handed over to con labor union members with difficult circumstances on the territory of Thới Lai district on the occasion of the new school year.

The Union Meal Gathering strengthens union members and workers.


Can Tho - Many trade unions directly under the Labor Federation (LĐLĐ) of Thot Not District organize Bua com Cong Doan for union members, laborers on the district's territory.

More than 50 art performances at the Medical Sector Art Festival in Cần Thơ


Cần Thơ - The 2024 Health Sector's Performing Arts Festival for Public Servants, Civil Servants, and Employees attracted 55 performances with over 230 actors from 20 trade unions participating.

Over 1,000 workers in Cần Thơ enjoy the Labour Union's Meal


Can Tho - More than 1,000 workers of West Dô Joint Stock Company enjoyed a full-course meal provided by the Trade Union.

Can Tho praised 95 outstanding officers and union members


Each outstanding Trade Union officer and union member praised has made contributions and contributions to Can Tho City's Trade Union activities in recent times.

200 workers were trained in defense and security knowledge


Can Tho - 200 workers in Binh Thuy district were trained in knowledge related to national defense and security.

Establishing another enterprise union in Can Tho


Can Tho - On August 2, the Confederation of Labor (LDL) of Thoi Lai district held a ceremony to announce the Decision to admit trade union members and establish a grassroots trade union .

Attaching construction signs of more than half a billion VND in Can Tho


Can Tho - On August 2, Thot Not District Labor Federation held a construction sign-installation ceremony to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union.

The emulation movement needs to be creative and make a mark


" The emulation movement needs to have its own uniqueness, creating a mark for trade union activities, contributing to the development of Can Tho City ," Ms. Le Thi Suong Mai emphasized.

Golden Heart Fund Branch exceeded the assigned target


Can Tho - In the first 6 months of the year, the Labor Federation of Thoi Lai district mobilized contributions to the Can Tho Trade Union Golden Heart Fund exceeding the assigned target.

More than 100 union members were supported with loans of nearly 2 billion VND


In the first 6 months of 2024, Can Tho City Employees' Union has had many outstanding activities to care for union members , officers, civil servants, public employees, and workers.

Loaned nearly 7 billion VND to workers and laborers in Can Tho


From the beginning of the year until now, the Capital Support Fund for poor workers of Can Tho City Labor Federation has loaned nearly 7 billion VND to workers, officials, and laborers.