Rasing child

Những thói quen có thể ảnh hưởng đến việc sản xuất sữa mẹ


Sữa mẹ rất quan trọng cho sự tăng trưởng và phát triển của trẻ. Nhưng để đảm bảo nguồn sữa, sau đây là một số thói quen cần tránh.

Tại sao chế độ ăn uống làm tăng nguy cơ dậy thì sớm ở trẻ?

Cao Thơm |

Tỉ lệ trẻ dậy thì sớm trong những năm gần đây có xu hướng ngày càng tăng. Dinh dưỡng cũng là một trong những yếu tố góp phần gây dậy thì sớm ở trẻ.

Cha mẹ khó tính ảnh hưởng đến trẻ em như thế nào?

NGỌC THÙY (THEO hindustantimes) |

Lớn lên với cha mẹ khó tính, bạo lực có thể để lại những vết sẹo cảm xúc lâu dài và ảnh hưởng sức khỏe tổng thể của trẻ em.

Con tủi thân vì ít gặp mẹ, diễn viên Thùy Dương thấy có lỗi


Chương trình "Điều con muốn nói" tập 11 là câu chuyện của bé Long Giao - con nữ diễn viên Thùy Dương - phải học nội trú vì ba mẹ không có thời gian chăm sóc.

Djokovic's views on children using phones

tam nguyên |

Novak Djokovic reveals 'argument' with wife Jelena over strict rules for their two children.

5 signs your baby is hungry and wants to eat

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Healthline) |

Recognizing the signs that your baby is hungry is quite important and mothers need to pay attention to ensure that their baby is fed enough and on time to develop healthily.

Exercises for children with flat feet

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Healthline) |

Useful exercises will help correct flat feet in children.

Causes of bloating during pregnancy


Many physiological and hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can lead to bloating.

4 things to teach your children not to do during stormy and flooded weather

Tuấn Đạt (T/Hợp) |

Long periods of stormy weather will cause flooding everywhere. Parents should equip and teach their children basic knowledge to ensure their own safety.

3 things to teach your children to keep in mind when avoiding storms at home

Tuấn Đạt (T/ Hợp) |

When children are home alone in severe weather conditions, especially stormy days, parents should teach their children safety knowledge and skills to protect themselves.

Ways to Improve Thinking and Problem Solving Skills in Children


The skills below are essential for children's academic success, helping them think logically so they can solve problems on their own.

Zinc is important for children in hot weather.


Zinc is an important mineral for children 's immune systems , especially during prolonged hot weather, says Dr. Soumitra Das.

Should children bring cell phones to school?

Hà An |

At the beginning of the new school year, many families have small "wars" about whether or not to let their children bring smartphones to school?

Signs that your baby is getting enough milk

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Whether the baby is full or not is a question of all mothers, especially first-time mothers. Below are signs that the baby is getting enough milk .

3 ways to train children to be independent

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Smartparents) |

To help children always be confident in overcoming difficulties in life and being independent in solving problems is something that parents need to train and teach their children early.

3 simple activities during the 2.9 holiday to help strengthen father-child relationships

Tuấn Đạt (T/ Hợp) |

Fathers spending time with their children with small but meaningful activities will help strengthen the father-child bond .

3 family bonding activities on the occasion of September 2nd holiday

Tuấn Đạt (T/ Hợp) |

The 2.9 holiday lasts 4 days, let's join your family in simple but meaningful activities .

Artist Binh Tinh's daughter feels sorry for herself when her mother performs a lot


At " What I want to say " is the emotional story of baby Cat Tien whose mother is famous artist Binh Tinh .

3 optimal ways to prevent tooth wear for children

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Healthline) |

The 3 ways to care for children's teeth below will help protect and prevent tooth wear effectively.

Steps to clean children's mattresses cleanly and safely

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Healthline) |

Regularly cleaning children's mattresses is especially important to ensure the safety and health of your child.