3 yoga poses to help reduce anxiety and improve mental health

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

In addition to being good for your body, yoga is also very good for your mental health. Below are 3 yoga moves that help improve your mental health and reduce anxiety.

How Yoga Helps Reduce Anxiety

Yoga is a practice that combines the mind and gentle movements of the body, originating from India. Yoga includes exercises that help improve physical and mental health, enhance health and reduce stress and anxiety.

Yoga exercises require the practitioner to coordinate movements flexibly with breathing regulation, thereby helping with blood circulation, improving health, improving body shape, and also supporting emotional control, relaxing the mind, and relieving anxiety.

Nowadays, practicing yoga is not only a daily exercise to improve health, but it is also considered a treatment method for some neuropsychiatric diseases, especially anxiety disorders and excessive anxiety.

3 yoga poses to help reduce anxiety

Sukhasana pose

According to Dr. Hansaji Jayadeva YogendraSukhasana - an Indian yoga expert, sukhasana is a simple and comfortable sitting posture that can be used for meditation or relaxation. This is a yoga posture suitable for beginners.

How to do:

- Sit on the floor.

- Bring your feet together and bend your knees.

- Place both feet on the floor, soles facing each other.

- Sit up straight.

- Place your hands on your knees, palms facing down.

- Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths.

Natarajasana pose

Natarajasana or the dancer pose is a challenging balancing yoga pose that requires strength, flexibility, and concentration. This practice is beneficial for those who want to overcome stress and anxiety.

How to do:

- Stand up straight with your feet together.

- Bend your right knee and reach your right hand back to grab your right ankle.

- Lift your right leg back, keeping your thigh parallel to the floor.

- Lean forward and extend your left arm up, reaching for your right foot.

- With your ankle firmly grasped, straighten your right leg.

- Look straight.

- Hold the position for 15 - 30 seconds, breathing deeply.

- Release the position and repeat on the other side.

Paryankasana pose

Paryankasana or the bench pose, is a comfortable seated yoga pose that can be used for relaxation or meditation.

How to do:

- Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you.

- Bend your right knee and bring your right foot toward your left hip.

- Place your right foot on the mat, sole facing up.

- Bend your left knee and bring your left foot toward your right hip.

- Next, place your left foot on the mat, sole facing up.

- Sit up straight.

- Place your hands on your knees, palms facing down.

- Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths.

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots)

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