How to do crocodile yoga to relieve lower back pain

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Crocodile yoga pose is a very effective exercise in relieving lower back pain, here is how to do this pose.

Lower back pain can be debilitating, affecting your daily life and overall health. Crocodile Pose, a therapeutic yoga pose that targets the lower back, helps increase strength, flexibility, and relieve pain.

How to do crocodile yoga pose to relieve lower back pain

- First, find a quiet, spacious area where you can lie comfortably on your stomach.

- Lay out on a yoga mat, stretch your legs out and rest your forehead on your folded hands, allowing your neck and shoulders to relax.

- Gently spread your legs hip-width apart, letting your toes point outward naturally.

- Take a few deep breaths to relax your body.

- Cross your arms and bring them close to your head. Place your elbows on the floor, shoulder-width apart.

- Inhale deeply and slowly lift your head, chest and shoulders off the floor. Slide your elbows forward and bring your chin closer to your chest.

- As you lift your upper body, distribute your weight evenly across your elbows and forearms. Avoid putting undue pressure on your lower back.

- Hold the pose for 1 - 2 minutes or longer depending on how comfortable you feel. Focus on deep, steady breathing to relax your body and release tension in your lower back.

- Slowly lower your chest, shoulders and head to the floor. Rest your forehead on your hands and relax in a prone position.


If you have an injury or chronic lower back pain, consult your doctor before practicing this move.

Listen to your body and avoid any postures that cause pain or discomfort.

Regular practice is the key to achieving your goals. Practice regularly and gradually increase the time spent in this pose as your body becomes more comfortable.

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots)

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