Resistant starch, found in some potatoes and beans, ferments in the large intestine, which means it promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the body without raising glucose levels. This effect lasts until your next meal of the day.
Resistant starch can change with temperature and certain foods. For example, rice has a higher resistant starch content when cooked and lower when cooled.
Resistant starch is also found in bananas, green bananas, peas, lentils, and whole grains. It is important to be mindful of carbohydrate intake when incorporating foods containing resistant starch into your diet.
At the same time, do not skip breakfast because this meal is very important. Especially avoid the condition of increased blood sugar related to fasting for too long.
Eating breakfast regularly can also help overweight people with type 2 diabetes lose weight. Weight loss also leads to improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance.
Being overweight is one of the main causes of insulin resistance, which prevents the blood sugar-lowering hormone from working properly.