Menstrual cramps are the appearance of spasms and cramping pain in the lower abdomen, often occurring before and during menstruation due to uterine contractions. This is a common phenomenon during the menstrual cycle in women.
According to Dr. Vanishree Aitha (Mumbai, India), jaggery is rich in essential nutrients like sodium and potassium, which are very effective in treating menstrual problems. Eat a piece of jaggery when you have mood swings, cramps and other symptoms during your period. This can release endorphins, thereby reducing cramps and helping to relieve menstrual cramps.
A study published in the International Journal of Chemical Research says that jaggery is a rich source of iron and thus can prevent muscle weakness due to blood loss during menstruation.
Additionally, Dr Vanishree Aitha recommends eating a piece of jaggery twice a day on an empty stomach during menstruation and limiting the intake to 20 to 25 grams a day.