Some calisthenics exercises support weight loss

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Calisthenics exercises not only help you lose weight but also help balance your metabolism. Here are some calisthenics exercises that help you lose weight.

1. What are calisthenics exercises?

Calisthenics is a form of exercise that uses body weight as resistance to improve strength, endurance, and flexibility. "This exercise requires virtually no equipment and can be done anywhere," says fitness expert Spoorthi S. (India). Common calisthenics exercises include push-ups, pull-ups, and squats, among others.

This exercise mainly uses body weight as well as gravity to train, helping to increase strength, burn fat. This is the reason why many people choose calisthenics exercises to lose weight.

2. Some calisthenics exercises support weight loss


- Start in a plank position with your arms shoulder-width apart.

- Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor.

- Push yourself back to the starting position, keeping your body straight and parallel to the floor.

Pull ups

- Pull your body up on the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart.

- Pull yourself up by bending your elbows and bringing your chin toward the bar.

- Lower your back and straighten your arms.

Try to do pull-ups correctly to avoid injuries to your body while exercising.


- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

- Push your hips back and knees out and lower down

- When your hips pass your knees, straighten your knees and hips to stand up.


- Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart.

- Step forward with your right foot and lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the ground.

- Push with right foot to return to starting position.

- Repeat with left leg.


If you want to lose weight with calisthenics, increase the difficulty of the exercises as your strength and endurance increase over time. It is important to add more repetitions or decrease the rest time to continue burning calories.

Combine calisthenics with cardio exercises to maximize calorie burn and improve overall fitness.

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots)

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