The way you start your morning will determine your energy and spirit for the whole day. If you want to be healthy, slim and energetic, a quick and effective exercise is a great way to start your morning.
Many people experience morning stiffness, reduced mobility and lack of motivation. However, combining a short routine with a 5-minute exercise can counteract these problems. This 5-minute exercise helps wake up your muscles, improve blood circulation and increase metabolism without the need for any supporting devices.
This habit focuses on complex movements that trigger multiple muscle groups at the same time. These exercises improve flexibility, increase core strength and increase heart rate to help burn fat and build endurance.
By doing this exercise every morning, you will increase your strength, improve coordination and improve overall fitness. This exercise includes 5 movements: squat body weight, push-ups, lower abdominal knee raises, shoulder plank, leg swings.
Do each movement for 40 seconds, rest for 20 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Complete a full circle to practice for 5 minutes. If you have more time, you can repeat a loop.