Prolonged middle ear inflammation, patient in critical condition due to meningitis

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Having had prolonged middle ear inflammation but not completely treated, the patient fell into a deep coma due to meningitis caused by the bacteria of the bronchi.

Patient N.T.H., 59 years old, in Ha Giang, was admitted to the hospital with a high fever of 39°C, severe headache, nausea and vomiting. In particular, she showed signs of decreased consciousness, drowsiness, and no longer being able to recognize her surroundings. Within just one day, the condition became serious, forcing the family to take her to the emergency room. The patient was then transferred to the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases in a state of deep decline in consciousness.

At the hospital, the patient was placed with a ventilator to support breathing. Intensive tests, including a blood culture and a brain drain test, determined that she had meningitis caused by the bacteria of the placenta - a type of bacteria that is endemic to the respiratory tract but can cause disease when it enters the blood or other organs through damage.

MSc. Dr. Ha Viet Huy - Department of Intensive Care, Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases, said: "Tranny fees are common bacteria, which can cause many dangerous diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis... However, they can only cause diseases when there are favorable conditions such as immunodeficiency or damage in the body".

Exploiting the history of the disease, doctors discovered that Ms. H had had had had had middle ear inflammation for many years but did not treat it completely. This is considered a leading risk factor for bronchitis. Blood bacteria can enter the cerebral Principles through direct pathways, such as from the middle ear or other damage in the respiratory tract, explains Dr. Huy. Although it is not possible to confirm 100% that this is the only cause, it is highly likely that this is the main factor causing the patient to fall into critical condition".

After 5 days of treatment, the patient's melasma returned to normal, consciousness improved significantly, the patient was taken off the ventilator and discharged from the hospital.

Dr. Huy recommends: Pvenience meningitis is a dangerous internal medicine emergency that can be fatal in just one day if not detected and treated promptly. Seemingly simple diseases such as middle ear inflammation, sinusitis... need to be treated completely, avoiding prolongation leading to dangerous complications. Vaccination against disease is the optimal solution to help reduce the risk of death, while saving costs and treatment time".

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