Chuyển đổi mục đích sử dụng đất

Price of converting agricultural land to residential land according to the new Law

Thạch Lam (T/H) |

Below are regulations on the price of converting agricultural land to residential land according to the 2024 Land Law, readers can refer to.

Criteria and conditions for changing rice land use purpose

Nhóm PV |

The Government regulates criteria and conditions for changing the use purpose of rice cultivation land , protective forest land, special-use forest land, and production forest land to other purposes.

Conditions for changing the use purpose of rice land and forest land

Anh Tuấn |

In Decree No. 102 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Land Law, the Government clearly states the criteria and conditions for changing the use purpose of rice land .

Converting perennial crop land to aquaculture land

Trần Hương |

When converting land use from perennial crop land to aquaculture land, the following procedures must be followed.

Bo Trach District tightens land use conversion regulations


Quảng Bình - Bo Trach District requires units to establish councils to review and approve each subject and plot of land registered for conversion of land use purposes land use.

Easier conversion of agricultural land to residential land from August 1

Minh Đức (T/H) |

Below is the basis for allowing the conversion of agricultural land to residential land according to the Land Law 2024 from August 1, 2024.

No need to pay twice when the new land price list in HCMC increases


HCMC - New land price list in HCMC increases also make people concerned about the issue of changing land use purposes.

Changing the use purpose of part of a plot of land must be divided?

Thạch Lam (T/H) |

Clause 19, Article 6 of Circular 33/2017/TT-BTNMT stipulates regulations related to land parcel division when changing land use purpose.