Another plot to assassinate Donald Trump in Florida

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The FBI is investigating a plot to assassinate former President Donald Trump on September 15 in Florida, USA.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is safe after an assassination attempt on September 15 outside his golf course in Palm Beach, Florida.

"The FBI responded to an incident in West Palm Beach Florida and is investigating the attempted assassination of former President Trump," Reuters quoted the FBI's statement.

Sources said there were gunshots outside the golf course. Earlier, Mr. Trump’s campaign announced that the Republican presidential candidate was safe after a shooting nearby, but did not provide specific details.

AP reported that US Secret Service agents opened fire after seeing a person with a gun near Mr. Trump’s golf club. Two law enforcement sources said that no injuries were reported.

Reports indicate that the suspect in the latest assassination attempt on Mr. Trump fled in an SUV and was arrested in another Florida county. CNN quoted Martin County Sheriff William Snyder as saying that the unit arrested the suspect who was wanted in Palm Beach County.

In an email to his fundraising list, Donald Trump confirmed that "there were gunshots fired near me, but before the rumors start spreading out of control, I want you to hear this first: I am safe and well."

Bang chung tim thay tai hang rao san golf duoc cong bo trong cuoc hop bao ve vu no sung tai san golf cua cuu Tong thong My Donald Trump. Anh: AFP
Evidence found at a golf course fence was released during a press conference about the shooting at former US President Donald Trump's golf course. Photo: AFP

Former US President Donald Trump was injured in an assassination attempt in Pennsylvania on July 13. The attempted assassination of Mr. Trump raises many questions about the protection of US presidential candidates in the context of the US presidential election just a few months away on November 5. In this US election, Mr. Donald Trump will compete with US Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate.

The White House said in a statement that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris had been briefed on the latest assassination attempt on Mr Trump and were pleased to learn that the Republican candidate was safe. "Violence has no place in America," Ms Harris said on social media.

According to the Washington Post, Mr. Trump had just played golf at the golf course when the assassination attempt occurred. Secret Service agents took him to a safe room at the golf club.

In the July assassination attempt on Mr Trump in Pennsylvania, Kimberly Cheatle resigned as head of the US Secret Service under bipartisan pressure from Congress. It was a major security incident, the first shooting of a former US president or major party presidential candidate in more than four decades.

Mr. Trump was injured in the right ear while a supporter attending a Trump campaign event was killed in a shooting in Pennsylvania. The suspect in Mr. Trump's assassination was identified as Thomas Crooks, 20 years old, who was shot dead by a US Secret Service agent.

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