Sports world shares difficulties with people affected by storms and floods


Many coaches and athletes of Vietnamese sports have taken actions to share and support people affected by storms and floods.

The Vietnam Football Federation (VFF) and the Vietnam National Football Team have donated a total of VND400 million. Of which, VND200 million from the VFF and VND200 million from the Vietnam National Football Team will be transferred to severely affected localities through the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

To express their deep sympathy and understanding with the people and unfortunate victims, the Vietnamese and Thai teams observed a minute of silence before the friendly match at My Dinh Stadium on the evening of September 10.

Many sports players, through their practical actions, have been joining hands to share information and contribute resources to help people in many northern provinces that are currently flooded.

Tennis player Nguyen Thuy Linh, although competing in Ho Chi Minh City, still actively announced on her personal Facebook page about the donation called by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front to support people in difficulty in areas affected by storms, floods and natural disasters.

Player Doan Thi Lam Oanh of the Vietnam Women's Volleyball Team shared information through which many people joined hands to support compatriots in difficulty, especially those in areas severely flooded. Archer Do Thi Anh Nguyet said that she was practicing to prepare for the competition but focused on following information on the media about the storm and flood situation and also donated to support the call from the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

On her personal Facebook page, athlete Nguyen Thi Oanh called on everyone to join hands to help people facing difficulties due to the current natural disasters and floods.

She wrote: “It is heartbreaking to see our people struggling to cope with storms, floods and natural disasters. I just hope that the natural disasters will pass quickly, that everyone will receive timely relief, and that the consequences of storms and floods that come to every household will be minimized. I pray that everyone and every household will be safe. And I would also like to attach the address to receive support so that everyone can join hands in the spirit of mutual love...”.

Currently in her hometown of Lao Cai, weightlifting coach Hoang Thi Duyen said that she and the athletes and coaches of the Lao Cai Sports Training and Competition Center are on duty at the moment to be ready to support each other in any situation if the floodwaters rise.

Two badminton players Do Tuan Duc and Pham Nhu Thao of Vietnam said that, in response to the call for support for people in areas affected by natural disasters, their Duc Thao Badminton Center has contributed a small amount of 10 million VND to the account of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front to join hands with society to help people in the northern provinces affected by natural disasters and floods.

At this time, the Department of Physical Education and Sports is organizing the National U23 Youth Volleyball Championship in Bac Kan and the 2024 National Taekwondo Club Championship in Lao Cai. These two localities are significantly affected by floods, with many areas inundated. However, the National U23 Youth Volleyball Championship is held in the center of Bac Kan city, so it has not been affected and is still taking place. The Taekwondo Department (Department of Physical Education and Sports) said that it is continuously updating the flood situation in Lao Cai to have a plan for the 2024 National Taekwondo Club Championship.


Công ty HAVIET foods ủng hộ nhân dân vùng bão lũ

Hà Anh |

Thông qua Quỹ Xã hội Từ thiện Tấm lòng Vàng, các cấp công đoàn, doanh nghiệp, nhà hảo tâm... nhiệt tình hưởng ứng, ủng hộ nhân dân vùng bão lũ.

Công nhân môi trường Hà Tĩnh ra các tỉnh phía Bắc hỗ trợ khắc phục bão lũ


Sáng 11.9, Công ty CP Môi trường và Công trình đô thị Hà Tĩnh đã cử 20 cán bộ, công nhân lên đường ra Bắc hỗ trợ dọn dẹp, khắc phục hậu quả bão lũ.

Ngành BHXH Việt Nam quyên góp ủng hộ đồng bào vùng bão lũ

Hà Anh |

Tổng Giám đốc BHXH Việt Nam Nguyễn Thế Mạnh vừa phát động toàn ngành ủng hộ đồng bào bị thiệt hại do bão số 3 (Yagi) gây ra.

Khoảng 3.000 cán bộ, đoàn viên Thái Nguyên bị ảnh hưởng bởi bão lũ

Hà Anh |

Sáng 11.9, ông Phạm Việt Dũng - Chủ tịch LĐLĐ tỉnh Thái Nguyên - vừa thông tin về tình hình cán bộ, đoàn viên bị ảnh hưởng của bão, lũ.

TPHCM, Quảng Ngãi, Nghệ An hỗ trợ các tỉnh phía Bắc bị thiệt hại do bão lũ


Ngày 11.9, cán bộ, nhân dân, các tổ chức... ở TPHCM, Quảng Ngãi, Nghệ An cùng chung tay đóng góp hỗ trợ người dân vùng lũ miền Bắc.

Bão lũ kinh hoàng, Yên Bái tiếp tục cho học sinh, sinh viên nghỉ

Trần Bùi |

Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo tỉnh Yên Bái tiếp tục cho học sinh, sinh viên nghỉ học để phòng, tránh mưa lũ do hoàn lưu bão số 3 gây ra.

Trong bão lũ tình người càng sâu hơn, con người càng đẹp hơn

Lê Thanh Phong |

Cơn bão dữ đi qua, để lại hậu quả khủng khiếp khắp các tỉnh miền Bắc, những con số thống kê thiệt hại về người và tài sản cho thấy điều đó. Nhưng cũng từ thảm họa thiên tai này, cho thấy con người Việt Nam yêu thương đùm bọc nhau, đúng với truyền thống “thương người như thể thương thân”.

Kiên quyết giải phóng mặt bằng thực hiện cao tốc Bắc - Nam


UBND huyện Lệ Thủy (tỉnh Quảng Bình) sẽ tiến hành cưỡng chế nếu các hộ dân không thực hiện đúng quy định, phương án giải phóng mặt bằng.

HAVIET foods company supports people in flood-hit areas

Hà Anh |

Through the Golden Heart Social Charity Fund, unions at all levels, businesses, philanthropists... enthusiastically responded and supported people in flood-hit areas.

Ha Tinh environmental workers go to northern provinces to support flood relief


On the morning of September 11, Ha Tinh Urban Environment and Construction Joint Stock Company sent 20 officers and workers to the North to support cleanup and overcome the consequences of storms and floods.

Vietnam Social Security sector donates to support people in flood-hit areas

Hà Anh |

General Director of Vietnam Social Security Nguyen The Manh has just launched a campaign for the entire industry to support people affected by storm No. 3 (Yagi).

About 3,000 cadres and union members in Thai Nguyen were affected by storms and floods

Hà Anh |

On the morning of September 11, Mr. Pham Viet Dung - Chairman of the Thai Nguyen Provincial Federation of Labor - just informed about the situation of cadres and union members affected by storms and floods.

Thanh Chuong District People's Council delegates support flood victims


Nghe An - Thanh Chuong District People's Council delegates join hands to support people in flood-hit areas in the North.

Horrific storm and flood, Yen Bai continues to let students stay home

Trần Bùi |

The Department of Education and Training of Yen Bai province continues to let students stay home from school to prevent floods caused by storm No. 3.

In storms and floods, human love becomes deeper and people become more beautiful

Lê Thanh Phong |

The fierce storm passed through, leaving terrible consequences throughout the northern provinces, the statistics of human and property damage show that. But also from this natural disaster, it shows that Vietnamese people love and care for each other, true to the tradition of "love others as you love yourself".