17 prohibited acts in fire prevention and fighting


The draft Law on Fire Prevention, Fighting, and Rescue stipulates 17 prohibited acts, including not participating in fire fighting when possible.

The Draft Law on Fire Prevention, Fighting, Rescue and Relief (PCCC & CNCH) will be considered and approved by the National Assembly at the 8th Session (October 2024). Notably, the draft stipulates 17 prohibited acts in fire prevention and fighting.

Accordingly, the draft prohibits intentional acts of causing fires, explosions, accidents, and incidents that can harm human life and health, damage property of the State, agencies, organizations, and individuals, and affect the environment, security, and order.

Second, insulting, threatening, obstructing, and opposing the task force and people participating in fire prevention and fighting and rescue.

Third, taking advantage of and abusing the tasks of fire prevention and fighting and search and rescue to commit illegal acts, harass and infringe upon the interests of the State and the legitimate rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals.

Fourth, taking advantage of and abusing the activities of design review, acceptance, fire safety assessment, and inspection of fire prevention and fighting and rescue equipment to violate the law.

Fifth, taking advantage of participating in fire fighting and search and rescue to commit illegal acts, infringing upon the interests of the State, and the legitimate rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals.

Sixth, false fire alarm; false fire alarm.

Seventh, not reporting a fire; not reporting a situation requiring search and rescue; not participating in fire fighting and search and rescue when capable and under conditions to do so.

Eighth, illegal production, storage, transportation, use, and trading of goods and substances that are dangerous to fire and explosion.

Ninth, putting into use or operation works, construction items, and means of transport subject to fire prevention and fighting design appraisal without a written approval of fire prevention and fighting acceptance results as prescribed.

Tenth, installing and using electrical equipment for daily life, production, and on means of transport that does not ensure fire safety.

Eleven, converting or adding functions to construction works or construction items that do not ensure fire safety according to the provisions of law.

Twelve, providing false information for inspection, falsifying inspection results of fire prevention and fighting, rescue and relief vehicles; circulating uninspected fire prevention and fighting and rescue vehicles or vehicles that do not meet inspection requirements on the market.

Thirteen, do not implement technical solutions on fire prevention and fighting or convert functions for facilities that do not ensure fire prevention and fighting safety requirements.

Fourteen, illegally appropriating, destroying, or damaging fire prevention and fighting equipment; obstructing escape routes; rendering fire escape routes ineffective, preventing the spread of fire.

Ten years, encroachment, placement of obstacles that hinder the operation of fire fighting and mechanical rescue vehicles.

Sixteen, changing means, equipment, construction materials, and construction items different from the design appraisal results does not ensure fire safety conditions.

Seventeen, changing means, equipment, and construction materials of a project different from the assessed results does not ensure fire safety conditions.

Regarding this draft law, Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee on Culture and Education Nguyen Dac Vinh suggested that there should be detailed regulations on fire prevention and fighting methods and means for high-rise buildings. Because this is an area with a large concentration of people and high terrain, the fire prevention and fighting plans that must be implemented will be more complicated and difficult.

Chairman of the Economic Committee Vu Hong Thanh said that while there are no firefighting helicopters and firefighting ladders only reach the 20th floor, there should be different requirements than newly built apartment buildings to prevent incidents from occurring because when an incident occurs, it is very difficult to fix.


Chi tiết trách nhiệm hộ gia đình về phòng cháy chữa cháy


Dự thảo Luật Phòng cháy, chữa cháy và cứu nạn, cứu hộ đã quy định trách nhiệm của cơ quan, tổ chức, hộ gia đình, cá nhân trong hoạt động phòng chống cháy nổ.

Đề xuất phòng cháy đối với nhà ở và nhà ở kết hợp kinh doanh


Dự thảo Luật Phòng cháy chữa cháy và cứu hộ, cứu nạn quy định khu vực kinh doanh có nguy cơ cháy, nổ phải được ngăn cách với khu vực để ở.

Doanh nghiệp đầu tư 1 tỉ nhưng để PCCC mất 2-3 tỉ đồng


Ngày 28.8, Hội nghị đại biểu Quốc hội chuyên trách cho ý kiến dự thảo Luật Phòng cháy, chữa cháy và cứu nạn, cứu hộ (Luật PCCC và CNCH).

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Details of household responsibilities for fire prevention and fighting


The Draft Law on Fire Prevention, Fire Fighting and Rescue stipulates the responsibilities of agencies, organizations, households and individuals in fire prevention and fighting activities.

Fire prevention recommendations for residential and commercial properties


The draft Law on Fire Prevention, Fighting, and Rescue stipulates that business areas at risk of fire and explosion must be separated from residential areas.

Businesses invest 1 billion but fire prevention costs 2-3 billion VND


On August 28, the Conference of specialized National Assembly delegates commented on the draft Law on Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue ( Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue ).