Reporting to the Ministry of Public Security's Electronic Information Portal, Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh (character's name has been changed) asked: "When a People's Public Security (CAND) officer retires, are all paternal and maternal relatives and children of school age entitled to health insurance? If so, where to contact to receive a health insurance card? ".
The Ministry of Public Security has responded to Mr. Thanh's question.
Accordingly, on November 11, 2019, the Minister of Public Security issued Circular No. 57/2019/TT-BCA guiding the implementation of health insurance for employees, students and relatives of police officers, soldiers and workers serving and working in the People's Public Security.
In particular, the subjects of application of Circular No. 57/2019/TT-BCA are relatives of officers, non-commissioned officers, and conscripts working and serving in the People's Public Security, relatives of People's Public Security students receiving living expenses from the state budget; relatives of police workers (Clause 2, Clause 3, Article 2).
"Therefore, when the People's Public Security officer retires, relatives are not eligible for health insurance cards according to the provisions of Circular No. 57/2019/TT-BCA" - the Ministry of Public Security said.