Accordingly, Lao Cai Provincial People's Committee transferred the function and task of state management of road vehicle testing and licensing from the Department of Transport to the Provincial Police for management and transferred the function and task of state management of the Judicial Record and implemented the public service of issuing Judicial Record forms from the Department of Justice to Lao Cai Provincial Police from March 1.
The People's Committee of Lao Cai province assigned the Department of Transport to complete the handover of documents related to state management of driving tests and driving licenses to the Provincial Police to ensure completeness and accuracy.
For the Department of Justice, arrange all records and state management documents on criminal records and perform public services to issue criminal records to hand over to the Provincial Police in accordance with the provisions of law.
Decision to transfer drug rehabilitation facility No. 1, drug rehabilitation facility No. 2 from the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs to Lao Cai Provincial Police for management.
Lao Cai Provincial Police will fully take over all functions and tasks related to testing, granting driving licenses and managing criminal records, performing public services for issuing criminal records, and at the same time deploy new processes to ensure continuous and effective operations.