Hai Phong voters hope for easier access to social housing

Đại An |

Hai Phong - In addition to recommendations related to infrastructure investment and mechanisms, voters in Hai Phong City hope to have more convenient access to buying social housing.

On September 30, Head of Central Economic Affairs Tran Luu Quang and National Assembly Deputies of Hai Phong City had a meeting with voters in Hai An district to prepare for the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly.

At the meeting, voters of Hai An district (Hai Phong) requested the National Assembly and the Government to continue to have synchronous solutions to ensure price stability of some commodities such as gasoline, electricity, food, agricultural products, etc. so that businesses have conditions to develop production and business; people can soon stabilize their lives. Pay attention, prioritize resources and focus on removing obstacles for some key public investment projects such as: Hai Phong - Hanoi - Lao Cai railway connecting with China, North - South high-speed railway, early implementation of construction of T2 cargo terminal of Cat Bi International Airport; have a plan to develop human resources for the semiconductor industry, etc.

Cu tri kien nghi len Quoc hoi cac van de nong cua Hai Phong. Anh: Dam Thanh
Voters petition the National Assembly about hot issues in Hai Phong. Photo: Dam Thanh

Voters proposed that the Government and the city accelerate the implementation of the remaining ports in Lach Huyen area as well as speed up the construction of Tan Vu Lach Huyen 2 bridge as soon as possible to meet the increased cargo volume and avoid congestion; Continue to accelerate the traffic connection system such as the coastal road connecting Hai Phong with the provinces of Thai Binh, Nam Dinh, Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa, etc. to increase connectivity for the southern area of ​​Hai Phong.

In addition, voters have opinions that the National Assembly, the Government and ministries and branches have reasonable policies, creating conditions for people who really need and are having difficulties with housing to access social housing to stabilize their lives. Propose that the Government soon issue a Decree detailing and implementing measures for the 2024 Land Law; provide unified guidance on resettlement arrangements for households when the State reclaims land when there are currently different regulations on resettlement between the Land Law and the Housing Law...

Speaking at the meeting with voters, Mr. Tran Luu Quang, member of the Party Central Committee, Head of Central Economic Affairs, acknowledged the opinions of voters in Hai An district, and assessed that with the advantages of seaports and logistics, Hai An district contributes significantly to the development of Hai Phong city. With the recommendations of voters, he and the delegates will propose to the National Assembly and ministries for consideration and resolution.

Cac dai bieu du buoi tiep xuc cu tri. Anh: Dam Thanh
Delegates attending the voter meeting. Photo: Dam Thanh

In the first 9 months of 2024, Hai Phong maintained its position as a bright spot maintaining high growth. However, due to the impact of storm No. 3, Hai Phong suffered heavy losses in terms of human lives and property, seriously affecting people's lives and business production activities of enterprises. The total damage caused by storm No. 3 is estimated at nearly 12.3 trillion VND. The city has mobilized all resources, called for sharing and support, and has so far restored and repaired technical infrastructure for traffic, electricity and water; stabilized people's lives, and quickly carried out relief work and supported people severely affected by the storm.

The 8th session of the National Assembly will open on October 21, 2024 and is expected to close on November 30. The session will be held in two phases, phase 1 from October 21 to November 13; phase 2 from November 20 to November 30. At this session, the National Assembly will consider and pass 16 laws; review and comment on 12 draft laws and decide on socio-economic issues, the State budget, supervision and other important issues.

Đại An

Nhiều điểm sạt lở nghiêm trọng sau bão ở Đồ Sơn, Hải Phòng

Mai Dung |

Hải Phòng - Theo Phòng Kinh tế quận Đồ Sơn (Hải Phòng), toàn quận có 17 điểm sạt lở, có những điểm sạt lở rất nghiêm trọng, phải di dân.

Tạm giữ hình sự kẻ hành hung bác sĩ tại Tiên Lãng, Hải Phòng

Đại An |

Hải Phòng – Lực lượng công an đã tạm giữ hình sự đối tượng hành hung bác sĩ tại TTYT huyện Tiên Lãng (Hải Phòng) đêm 15.9.

Sớm đưa nước sạch về với người dân nông thôn ở Hải Phòng

Hoàng Khôi |

Hải Phòng - Huyện Tiên Lãng (Hải Phòng) đang thi công hơn 8.000 mét ống D400, đưa nước sạch về với người dân trên địa bàn huyện.

Ủy ban Kiểm tra TW đề nghị kỷ luật 3 nguyên Bí thư Tỉnh ủy

Ái Vân |

Tại Kỳ họp 48, Ủy ban Kiểm tra Trung ương đã xem xét, và đề nghị kỷ luật với nhiều cán bộ tại Tuyên Quang, Phú Thọ, trong đó có 3 nguyên Bí thư Tỉnh ủy.

Thông tin bán nhà ở xã hội Hạ Đình là lừa đảo

Nhóm phóng viên |

Trao đổi với Báo Lao Động, đại diện UDIC cho biết thông tin bán nhà ở xã hội 214 Nguyễn Xiển, khu đô thị mới Hạ Đình, Hà Nội là sai lệch nhằm lừa đảo, chiếm đoạt tiền của người dân.

Hàng loạt cây xanh mới trồng thuộc dự án 4 tỉ đồng chết khô


Hà Tĩnh - Hàng loạt cây xanh thuộc dự án trồng cây xanh ở xã Cẩm Hưng (huyện Cẩm Xuyên) với tổng kinh phí 4 tỉ đồng bị chết khô.

Linh vật rồng nằm ngổn ngang trên khu đất vàng tại Đà Nẵng

Mai Hương |

Các linh vật rồng tại TP Đà Nẵng nằm la liệt trên bãi đất trống chờ ngày dự án triển khai.

Cập nhật giá vàng sáng 3.10: Ồ ạt chốt lời, sụt giảm mạnh

Khương Duy |

Cập nhật giá vàng sáng 3.10: Thị trường vàng thế giới một lần nữa đảo chiều do vấp phải làn sóng chốt lời.

Many serious landslides after the storm in Do Son, Hai Phong

Mai Dung |

Hai Phong - According to the Economic Department of Do Son District (Hai Phong), the entire district has 17 landslides, some of which are very serious and require evacuation.

Bringing clean water to rural people in Hai Phong soon

Hoàng Khôi |

Hai Phong - Tien Lang District (Hai Phong) is constructing more than 8,000 meters of D400 pipes, bringing clean water to people in the district.