Data on civil servants ensures correctness - completeness - cleanliness - vitality


The Ministry of Home Affairs has just planned to promote the data value of the National Database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in state agencies.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Home Affairs issued Decision No. 621/QD-BNV promulgating the Plan to promote the data value of the National Database on cadres, civil servants and public employees (CBCCVC) in state agencies.

The plan aims to promote digital transformation, promote the role and responsibility of the collective and each civil servant in updating, connecting and sharing data with the National Database on Civil Servants and Public Employees.

From there, data on civil servants and public employees is increasingly complete and ensures "correct - sufficient - clean - alive", serving the direction and administration of the Government, the Prime Minister, and state agencies at all levels in the process of developing digital government and digital administration.

Thereby, raising awareness of civil servants in applying digital technology, innovating thinking and creative actions in accordance with scientific and technological progress, requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the process of building a professional and modern administration.

One of the notable requirements of the Plan is to ensure the effective utilization of achievements and advances in science and technology, maximize the value of data and databases to serve the direction and administration of the Government, the Prime Minister, and state agencies at all levels, meeting the requirements of digital transformation, developing digital government and digital administration.

Agencies, organizations and units continue to review, upgrade and adjust information systems and databases to meet the requirements of updating, using and exploiting data according to regulations; update and approve data to synchronize with the National Database on Civil Servants and Public Employees according to regulations, ensuring "correct - sufficient - clean - alive".


Xem xét thực hiện cải cách tiền lương công chức, viên chức


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Consider implementing salary reform for civil servants and public employees


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