Reasons why Ministry of Public Security stopped recording police on duty

Lam Duy |

According to the regulations in the new circular of the Ministry of Public Security, the form of people's supervision of the police force on duty through audio and video recording is eliminated.

As reported by Lao Dong on October 5, the Ministry of Public Security has just issued Circular No. 46/2024/TT-BCA amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular No. 67/2019/TT-BCA, regulating the implementation of democracy in ensuring traffic order and safety.

The Circular takes effect from November 15, 2024, in which the most notable content is the removal of the regulation on audio and video recording of police on duty.

According to Lao Dong's investigation on October 6, the regulations in the new circular of the Ministry of Public Security replacing Circular 67 were drafted by the Traffic Police Department and publicly solicited public opinions from March 2024.

In the draft report sent to the Minister of Public Security, Major General Nguyen Van Minh - Deputy Director of the Traffic Police Department - said that the supervision of some people over the Traffic Police force is sometimes not objective and in accordance with regulations, taking advantage of the right to supervise to film, record, and take photos of the working process with Traffic Police officers and soldiers and sharing them on social networks, leading to a fear of collision, a lack of responsibility of a part of officers and soldiers directly performing the task and affecting the image of the Traffic Police force.

"In addition, the opposition has taken advantage of the situation to incite people to send complaints and denunciations to many places, causing complications for law enforcement on traffic order and safety," the draft report of the Traffic Police Department stated.

Another notable content in the newly issued Circular 46 is the removal of the public content: Plan for general control of traffic vehicles, Plan for patrolling, controlling, and handling violations by traffic topic, Plan for regular patrolling, controlling, and handling violations in patrolling, controlling, and handling administrative violations.

These are the contents previously stipulated in Point d, Clause 1, Article 5 of Circular No. 67/2019.

A public content according to the old regulation is also removed in the new circular of the Ministry of Public Security, which is the regulation on "uniforms and police identification numbers".

Accordingly, the Ministry of Public Security removed the public content about "Uniforms, People's Public Security numbers and technical means and support tools are made public according to regulations" in the work of commanding and controlling traffic and the task force.

In the draft submission sent to the Ministry of Public Security, the Traffic Police Department said that the content of the regulation to publicize the "Plan for general control of traffic vehicles, Plan for patrolling, controlling, and handling violations by traffic topic, Plan for regular patrolling, controlling, and handling violations, including the following specific contents: Name of unit; route; types of vehicles and violations to be controlled and handled; implementation time" is no longer consistent with some newly issued legal documents.

"The public announcement of the Plan for patrolling, controlling and handling administrative violations is being exploited by some subjects to cause difficulties for the Traffic Police force in patrolling and controlling on the road" - Major General Nguyen Van Minh said.

Lam Duy

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Quang Việt |

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Eliminate regulations on audio and video recording of police on duty

Tô Thế |

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