On March 20, the Central Steering Committee on summarizing the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, dated October 25, 2017 of the 12th Central Executive Committee "Some issues on continuing to innovate and reorganize the apparatus of the political system to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently" issued Official Dispatch No. 43-CV/BCD on the Plan to continue reorganizing the apparatus of the political system.
Official dispatch No. 43-CV/BCD outlines the contents and tasks for implementation after the resolution and conclusions of the 11th Conference of the 13th Central Executive Committee.
Accordingly, the Government Party Committee leads and directs: Guiding the development and completion of the Project on arranging and merging provincial and commune-level administrative units (specific functions and tasks, organizational structure, staffing; arranging cadres, working headquarters, public housing; handling assets, headquarters, etc.).
Direct Party Committees of ministries and branches according to their functions and tasks to advise the Government or issue documents under their authority to guide provinces and cities to implement tasks related to the arrangement and merger of administrative units at all levels, and local government organizations at both levels to ensure timeliness, synchronization, specificity, and convenience for the development of projects and the organization of the arrangement of administrative units at all levels and local government organizations at both levels (to be completed before April 15, 2025). Implement the Project to reorganize the inspection system (to be completed before April 30, 2025).
Report on the implementation of the task of reviewing and the plan to amend and supplement relevant legal documents to implement the policy of amending and supplementing a number of articles of the 2013 Constitution, reorganizing administrative units, organizing local government at 2 levels...
Continue to research and have plans to arrange tax agencies, state treasury, customs, social insurance, statistics, banks, etc. in accordance with the merger of provincial administrative units and implementation of the 2-level local government organization model.
Arrange party organizations in corporations, general companies, state-owned commercial banks; party organizations of units under the Ministry of Finance, State Bank and a number of related ministries and branches.
Advising the Secretariat to issue regulations on the leadership and direction mechanism of the Party Committee of the Party Committee, the ministerial-level agency representing the capital owner with the Party Committee, Party organizations of corporations, general companies, and state-owned commercial banks in performing the political tasks of enterprises (to be completed in August 2025).