The Government has just issued Decree No. 47/2025/ND-CP dated February 28, 2025, stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of Vietnam Television (VTV).
Accordingly, VTV's organizational structure has 22 units.
1. Office.
2. Personnel Organization Committee.
3. Planning and Finance Department.
4. Inspection Board.
5. Program Committee.
6. News Department.
7. Subject - Faculty of Education.
8. Arts Department.
9. Ethnic Language Television Board.
10. Foreign Television Board.
11. Culture - Entertainment Department.
12. Sports Department.
13. Multimedia Television Editorial Board.
14. Television Film Center.
15. Vietnam Television Center in Ho Chi Minh City.
16. Vietnam Television Center for the Central - Central Highlands region.
17. Vietnam Television Center for the Southwest region.
18. Television Technology and Fine Arts Center.
19. Digital content Production and Development Center.
20. Center for Technology and broadcasting.
21. copyright Advertising and Exploitation Center.
22. VTV bao.
Vietnam Television has permanent agencies abroad established in accordance with the provisions of law.
Units 1 to 4 are the organizations assisting the General Director; Program Committee is the organization assisting the General Director and producing the program; Units 6 to 8 and permanent agencies abroad are the program production organizations; Digital content Production and Development Center is the organization that produces and provides content on digital platforms; Technology and broadcasting Center is the organization of technology and broadcasting the program; copyright Advertising and Exploitation Center is the business organization and exploitation of copyrights; VTV Times is the press agency, public service unit under the Station.
The General Director of Vietnam Television reported to the Prime Minister for opinions on the establishment, dissolvement and organization of the arrangement of other units under his authority according to the provisions of law and submitted to the Prime Minister to issue a list of other public service units under Vietnam Television.
The Program Committee is organized with no more than 10 rooms; The Office is organized with no more than 8 rooms.
The Decree clearly states that VTV has a General Director and no more than 4 Deputy General Directors.
The General Director and Deputy General Directors are appointed, dismissed, or removed from office by the Prime Minister in accordance with the provisions of law.
The General Director is responsible to the Government, the Prime Minister and before the law for all activities of Vietnam Television; Deputy General Directors assist the General Director and are responsible to the General Director and before the law for assigned fields.
The General Director appoints, dismisses, removes the head and deputy heads from their positions and stipulates the functions, tasks, powers, organizational structure, and working relationships of affiliated units.
VTV continues to implement the financial mechanism of enterprises according to current regulations until the Decree regulating the financial mechanism of Vietnam Television is issued by the Government.
Decree 47/2025/ND-CP takes effect from March 1, 2025.