
The fall of Phuong Binh - a street vendor who is in agreement with My Chau


Artist Phuong Binh once collaborated well with Meritorious Artist My Chau. Currently, his life is quite difficult, and he is old and has many diseases.

Vietnam attends Annecy Film Festival 2025 for the first time


Vietnam participated for the first time in the Annecy International animation Film Festival 2025, one of the most prestigious film festivals in the global animation industry.

Nearly 3,300 international visitors arrive in Phu Quoc by 5-star cruise ship


Kien Giang - 5-star Costa Serena cruise ship (Italy nationality) returns to Phu Quoc pearl island for the second time with nearly 3,300 international tourists.

Blackpink's Jisoo is constantly criticized


Despite her productive activities, Blackpink's Jisoo has been continuously criticized in both acting and singing.

The beauty of border soldiers through the film The People's Delegate


"Deputy of the People" is a film produced by the People's Army Cinema to celebrate the 95th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3, 1930 - February 3, 2025).

Tung Duong and the walk with "The singing man"


The live concert will be an exciting outing of Divo Tung Duong with male singers Trung Quan Idol, Soobin Hoang Son, Double 2T and Tang Duy Tan.

Admire the 300-year-old banyan tree next to the sacred temple in Lao Cai


The banyan tree at Thuong Temple in Lao Cai city is over 300 years old and is recognized as a "Vietnam Heritage Tree".

Giang Son reveals little-known facts about "Hanoi's 12 flower seasons"


To write the lyrics in "Hanoi 12 seasons of flowers", the female musician cherished it for ten years and spent about 2 hours to distill the beautiful lyrics.

Little known facts about the mountain where Nguyen Hue ascended the throne


HUE - Ban Mountain, where Nguyen Hue ascended the throne and quickly sent troops to Thang Long to destroy 290,000 invading Qing troops in the year of Mau Than (1788).

Young people wake up at 4am, catching the trend to welcome autumn in Hanoi


To catch the trend of waking up early to welcome autumn, many young people do not hesitate to wake up at 4am to prepare to drink coffee, eat sticky rice, and take pictures of autumn in Hanoi.

Danang Asian Film Festival will be a brand event


Da Nang - The City People's Committee and the Vietnam Cinema Promotion and Development Association organized a workshop to introduce the Da Nang Asian Film Festival in Korea.

Promoting and advertising the 2025 Danang Asian Film Festival


Da Nang - Vietnam Pavilion - DANAFF is one of the promotional activities for the Da Nang Asian Film Festival 2025 scheduled to take place at the end of June 2025.

Impressive moments on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital


This morning, October 6, the program "Culture Festival for Peace" celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital was held at Hoan Kiem Lake walking street (Hanoi).

Hundreds of years old national treasures in Thai Binh


Thai Binh - In addition to their unique value, national treasures in Thai Binh are also highly appreciated for their sophisticated carvings and motifs.

Close-up of General Vo Nguyen Giap's memorial house in his hometown


Quang Binh - The memorial house of General Vo Nguyen Giap in An Xa village, Loc Thuy commune (Le Thuy district) has gradually taken shape.

Turban culture from the perspective of playwright Nham Hung


“Turban Culture” is a book written by author Nham Hung with a journey of research, compilation, and love for the scarf of Southern people.

A series of typical works of Hanoi on Hoan Kiem Lake walking street


At Hoan Kiem Lake walking street (Hoan Kiem, Hanoi), many works with typical and ancient architecture of the capital are recreated to attract tourists.

The pinnacle of decorative art at Thai Binh Lau, Hue Imperial City


HUE - Admire Thai Binh Lau (Hue Imperial City) - a place that brings together sophisticated ceramic decoration art, the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures.

Cracks in the mountain and the story of exploiting natural wonders


The story of exploiting but still preserving the beauty of natural wonders requires a lot of effort, starting with the case of Son Doong Cave, discovered in 1991 in Vietnam.

Which world famous climber climbed in Ha Long Bay?


Quang Ninh - A famous Australian climber has conquered the peaks in the middle of Ha Long Bay and considered this one of the 5 most beautiful climbing spots in the world.