
The fall of Phuong Binh - a street vendor who is in agreement with My Chau


Artist Phuong Binh once collaborated well with Meritorious Artist My Chau. Currently, his life is quite difficult, and he is old and has many diseases.

Vietnam attends Annecy Film Festival 2025 for the first time


Vietnam participated for the first time in the Annecy International animation Film Festival 2025, one of the most prestigious film festivals in the global animation industry.

Nearly 3,300 international visitors arrive in Phu Quoc by 5-star cruise ship


Kien Giang - 5-star Costa Serena cruise ship (Italy nationality) returns to Phu Quoc pearl island for the second time with nearly 3,300 international tourists.

Blackpink's Jisoo is constantly criticized


Despite her productive activities, Blackpink's Jisoo has been continuously criticized in both acting and singing.

The beauty of border soldiers through the film The People's Delegate


"Deputy of the People" is a film produced by the People's Army Cinema to celebrate the 95th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3, 1930 - February 3, 2025).

Han Kang, Nobel Prize in Literature and the Ginkgo Tree


If the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature is a metaphor, it is the ginkgo tree for Han Kang. The dazzling effect of the prestigious award will pass, but the questions of conscience and humanity in each page of the female writer dubbed "Korean Kafka" will live on forever.

Hanoi - Not just "A time to remember"


As part of the events celebrating the 70th anniversary of Hanoi Liberation, the photo exhibition “Hanoi - A Time to Remember” by two photographers Andy Soloman and Le Bich was introduced to the public in the capital on October 10, 2024. The exhibition introduces 86 black and white photos of Hanoi in 20 years of transformation (1992 - 2012), helping viewers not only see Hanoi in the past, but also imagine more about Vietnam throughout the past time.

Hanoi develops tourism in the "capital of votive paper"


Hanoi - Phuc Am Village (Thuong Tin) is the largest traditional craft village making votive paper effigies in Hanoi, and is being developed for tourism on the Nam Thang Long route.

Understanding a hidden corner of Indochina art


For the first time, many issues of our country's art history during the French colonial period are revealed through a quality research publication by Dr. Nguyen Quoc Dinh.

In the stormy garden


I am talking about a Nhu Binh in poetry.Of course, poetry does not inherently make Nhu Binh less successful or happy, and in fact, no one naively identifies the biographical author with the image of the author in poetry.

Precious documents inside the giant ship monument


Thanh Hoa - The project of the Memorial Area for Southern compatriots, cadres and soldiers who gathered in the North (including the ship monument) has been completed and displays many valuable documents.

Unique “1 hour as an artisan” experience tour in Hanoi


Hanoi - Tourists can experience "1 hour as an artisan" at Hong Van tourist area (Thuong Tin) to create their own bonsai art.

The image of Vietnamese women in movies is getting stronger


With two recent feature films “Dao, Pho and Piano” by director Phi Tien Son and “Mai” by Tran Thanh, along with a few other films, it can be seen that the image of Vietnamese women is increasingly confident, strong, and affirming feminism.

Many quality works at CAND Television Festival


The CAND Radio and Television Festival not only saw a remarkable increase in the number of participating works but also a marked improvement in quality.

Interact with AI "turtle" to learn about the Temple of Literature - Quoc Tu Giam relic


Can Tho - The exhibition of the special national relic of Van Mieu - Quoc Tu Giam is an opportunity for people in Can Tho city to explore the space of knowledge and culture...

5-star cruise brings more than 3,000 tourists to Quang Ninh


Quang Ninh - On the morning of October 18, the 5-star cruise ship Costa Serena brought 3,040 tourists from Hong Kong (China) to Ha Long.

Orientation of tourism development in Vietnam's ancient markets


Hanoi - Ong Gia New Market (Thuong Tin) associated with the legend of Chu Dong Tu is being oriented by local leaders to develop tourism in the coming time.

766 works entered into the CAND Television and Radio Festival


On the morning of October 17, in Khanh Hoa, the Ministry of Public Security held a press conference for the 14th People's Public Security (CAND) Television and Radio Festival - 2024.

The image of female workers and their faces bearing the shape of fate


The image of female workers in literature is reflected in many ways with many approaches, and despite having to endure misfortunes, disadvantages, and hardships, female workers still maintain their kindness and humanity, training themselves to become strong and courageous.

No problem


In the morning, he said in a panic: Oh no, I'm so confused, the flight time is 1am today, which means I had to go to the airport last night, but I thought the flight was tonight, so I just sat there drinking, my phone ran out of battery so no one called.