More than 3,000 students in Thanh Hoa City are absent from school due to floods

Quách Du - Trần Lâm |

Thanh Hoa - Rising floodwaters caused flooding, forcing more than 3,000 students in Thanh Hoa City to stay home from school.

On the morning of September 24, the leader of the Department of Education and Training of Thanh Hoa City said that due to the influence of storm No. 4, heavy rain occurred in the area, along with the water from the upper reaches of the Ma River and Chu River pouring in, causing flooding in wards such as Hoang Quang, Thieu Khanh, and Thieu Duong.

Floodwaters flooded residential areas, causing many roads and schools in the area to be deeply flooded, forcing people to evacuate to safety.

Nuoc ngap khu dan cu phuong Thieu Duong, TP. Thanh Hoa. Anh: Quach Du
Flooding in residential area of ​​Thieu Duong ward, Thanh Hoa city. Photo: Quach Du

To ensure safety, the Department of Education and Training has allowed students in the above flooded wards to stay home from school.

There are about more than 3,000 students at schools that are absent, including: Thieu Duong Primary School, Thieu Duong Secondary School, Thieu Khanh Primary School, Thieu Khanh Secondary School, Hoang Quang Primary School, Hoang Quang Secondary School.

Truong THCS Thieu Duong sang 24.9. Anh: Quach Du
Thieu Duong Secondary School on the morning of September 24. Photo: Quach Du

“Yesterday (September 23), after the floodwaters rose and caused flooding, schools let students stay home. As of this morning, the water has not receded completely, so students cannot return to school,” said a leader of the Thanh Hoa City Department of Education and Training.

Previously, on September 23, Mr. Tran Anh Chung - Chairman of Thanh Hoa City People's Committee signed a telegram to respond to floods and organize the evacuation of people from areas at risk of deep flooding.

On September 23, authorities mobilized people and vehicles to support people in some wards and communes outside the dike in Thanh Hoa city such as Nam Ngan, Thieu Duong, and Thieu Khanh to evacuate to higher ground, ensuring their lives and property.

Quách Du - Trần Lâm

Nước lũ thấm qua thân đê ở Thanh Hóa

Trần Lâm |

Thanh Hóa - Ảnh hưởng nước sông Mã dâng cao, áp lực lớn, một điểm đê ở huyện Vĩnh Lộc có hiện tượng thấm, rò nước qua thân đê.

Người dân Thanh Hóa đổ xô ra cầu Hàm Rồng xem nước lũ


Thanh Hóa - Nước từ thượng nguồn đổ về khiến mực nước sông Mã dâng cao, nhiều người dân ở TP Thanh Hóa đã tập trung ra cầu Hàm Rồng xem nước lũ.

Mưa lũ làm sạt lở hàng trăm điểm trên quốc lộ ở Thanh Hóa


Mưa lũ kéo dài đã làm sạt lở hàng trăm điểm trên các tuyến quốc lộ của tỉnh Thanh Hóa khiến giao thông bị ách tắc.

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