According to the leader of the 29-03V Vehicle Inspection Center, Circular 15/2022/TT-BCA (effective from May 21, 2022) stipulates handling violations through images (cold fines). Within 10 days from the date of detecting the violation through images, the police agency will verify the information and send a notice to the vehicle owner. If after 20 days from the date of sending the notice, the violator does not come to resolve the issue, information about the violating vehicle will be posted on the website of the Traffic Police Department and a warning notice will be sent to the vehicle inspection agency.
When a vehicle has an unresolved violation, the inspection agency will refuse to inspect it until the vehicle owner completes his/her obligation to pay the fine.
In particular, in the near future, the Traffic Police Department and the Vietnam Register will link vehicle administrative violation data, creating conditions for inspection facilities to look up warnings of fines when inspecting vehicles.
Thus, before taking the vehicle for inspection, the vehicle owner should check the information about the fines through official channels such as the website of the Traffic Police Department or through the traffic violation lookup application.
If a violation is detected, the vehicle owner must complete the fine payment procedures to avoid affecting the vehicle's registration and circulation.
Compliance with the above regulations will help you maintain good legal status for your vehicle and ensure safety when participating in traffic.