Below is the professional opinion of Dr. Nguyen Hong Vu - PhD in Mobile Biology in Medicine, currently working in the US.
Eat candy, don't see any fiber yet, there is excess sugar
Although sellers (Quang Linh Vlogs, Hang Du Cach... - PV) have advertised quantitively that "1 candy is equivalent to 1 plate of vegetables", I have not found any information about the weight of fiber on the product's shell, as well as on the genuine page.
Only after a consumer suspected this product and took it for testing at Quatest2, Technical Center for Quality Measurement 2, under the National Committee for Standards and Quality Measurement, then shared the test results, discovered that 100g of candy contained only 0.51g of fiber. Meanwhile, 100g of water spinach also contains about 1.5g of fiber.
A box of candy containing 30 candy pills can be counted for a total weight of 96g. Divided, each candy has a weight of about 3.2g, which means only 0.016g of fiber/candy. So to get the amount of fiber in 100g of water spinach, you need to eat about 300g of candy, which is about eating more than 90 candy balls.
However, don't forget that the total sugar index (based on Glucose) of the product is 22.7g per 100g of candy. Each candy will have 0.73g of sugar. To eat candy to get enough fiber from 100g of water spinach, you will "add" about 68g of sugar (about 93 candy pills).
Meanwhile, based on scientific research, to ensure health, the amount of sugar needed to be consumed is much lower. According to the British website NHS, adults should not eat more than 30g of sugar per day, children aged 7 - 10 should not eat more than 24g and children aged 4 - 6 should not eat more than 19g. Therefore, to get fiber from 100g of water spinach, eating Kera vegetable candy is impossible!
Eating 100g of vegetables in a day is not enough to meet health targets. The vegetable intake recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO) is that each person should eat at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruits per day. Vegetables should be about 250-300 grams.

Trying to " put out the fire" for violations?
After the company published data on Kera vegetable candy, it showed that the results were different, but based on it to calculate, it also showed that it is necessary to eat about 50 Kera candy balls to have enough total fiber equivalent to 100g of water spinach.
Those 50 candy pills contained nearly 50g of sugar, exceeding the recommended threshold for an adult (30g/day)! Therefore, once again proving that "to get fiber from 100g of water spinach, eating Kera candy is impossible".
And remember that 100g of water spinach is not enough fiber for normal people according to the instructions from the Ministry of Health: You should eat about 300-400 grams of vegetables per day to provide enough vitamins, minerals and fiber for the body.
Next, the company's second testing content is unique to Inulin fiber. Test results showed that the amount of Inulin fiber in Kera candy accounts for 5.8%, or about 5.8g of Inulin per 100g of candy, or about 186mg of Inulin per candy vien (3.2g). Based on this, they added the total fiber index above to conclude that each Kera candy contains more than 200mg of fiber.
I think this conclusion is unconvincing, because:
- Inulin is an ingredient in all types of fiber ( total fiber) including insoluble fiber such as Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin..., and soluble fiber such as pectin, beta-glucan, gum... The amount of Inulin is 5.8g per 100g of candy, while the total fiber is only 0.935g per 100g of candy, which means the amount of Inulin is more than 6 times the total fiber. This is unreasonable!
- The method of measuring total fiber may have some shortcomings and cannot completely measure all soluble inulin (the shortcomings can be from 5% to 30%). However, the amount of Inulin measured is more than total fiber, which is unreasonable and has no scientific basis.
- In vegetables, depending on the type, the ratio of Inulin in total fiber often ranges from about 2% to 20% (in the case of lettuce roots, it can be up to 40%).
In addition, it is unclear that in the second test, Kera ignored all other metrics, even the very important index, which is total fiber.
The big question is why there is such a large amount of Inulin fiber but it was not found in the total fiber measurement method in the first time on November 29, 2024 and in the test results of consumers on March 3, 2025? What problems are there with the Kera company sample put into testing on February 4, 2025? And why only test for one Inulin fiber index?
It is inappropriate to try to " put out the fire" for the clear violations of the Kera vegetable candy company like that.
On the people's side, I think it is best to stay alert and use fresh food such as washed vegetables and fruits.
Using dietary supplements and supportive foods is not guaranteed in terms of quality.
Moreover, if the product is not strictly managed because there is no mandatory pre-inspection mechanism (pre-market inspection) for products in the food group, consumers will have to bear great health consequences.