Benefits of soaking dried fruits and nuts in water or milk
Whether it is almonds, walnuts or dates, many people still choose to soak these nuts and dried fruits overnight because it is beneficial and helps to maximize their nutrients.
Most of us soak them in water, as it softens the fruit, aids digestion and reduces discomfort. By reducing phytic acid, soaking can improve nutrient absorption, says Kanikka Malhotra, a nutritionist and diabetes educator in India.
Furthermore, it also activates beneficial enzymes, which can increase the nutritional value and help reduce the sugar content of many dried fruits, although the sugar content of each fruit or nut varies.
On the other hand, soaking dried fruits in milk has many nutritional and intestinal benefits.
“A nutritious beverage is created by combining milk protein and calcium with vitamins, minerals and fibre from dried fruit. Soaking the milk also softens the dried fruit, improving nutrient absorption and making the fibre easier to digest,” says Kanikka.
In addition, it has the ability to improve gut health and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. Overall, soaking dried fruits in milk and consuming them seems to be a healthy approach.
So which is better?
Both have their own benefits, says Kanikka. While soaking dried fruits and nuts in water primarily improves digestion, reduces phytic acid, and can reduce sugar content, soaking in milk also provides protein, calcium, and a fuller flavor.
Since both methods offer distinct and useful ways to improve the nutritional value of dried fruit, the best choice is determined by each individual's dietary needs and preferences.
Water is a great alternative for people looking for a basic, low-calorie beverage. If protein and calcium are important to you, milk may be a better choice.